Search Query: medicare

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You searched for "medicare" and here's what we found ...

Two Different Americas

There have been two completely different Americas in U.S. history. Let’s examine twelve ways in which they differ. 1. For more than a century after the United States came into existence, there was no income taxation or IRS. People were free to keep everything they earned and decide for themselves what to do with it. Today, income taxation and the IRS are a core feature of American life. The government essentially owns everyone’s income and decides how much people will be permitted to keep, much as a parent permits his children to have an allowance. 2. No Social Security. Earlier Americans rejected the concept of mandatory charity. People were left free to decide for themselves whether to help out their parents and others. Today, Social Security is a core feature of American life. The federal government forces younger people to help out seniors ...

Why Don’t Conservatives Tell the Truth about Food Stamps?

About two years ago, the Trump administration, through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, announced new guidelines that allowed states to impose work requirements for able-bodied persons to receive Medicaid. Now it has strengthened work requirements for the food-stamp program. Predictably, just as two years ago, Democrats and liberals are outraged. The federal food-stamp program (officially called SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) is administered by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, but is operated by the 50 states. Recipients of SNAP benefits receive a deposit on an EBT card each month that can be used only for prepackaged food items; that is, no alcohol, tobacco, dog food, et cetera. Food-stamp benefits differ by state. There is no limit to how long one can receive benefits as long as there are children in the household, subject to renewal every six months. According to the FNS, during ...

The Cause of America’s Dysfunctionality

In analyzing the causes for the dysfunctional nature of American society (e.g., soaring suicide rates, especially among young people, massive drug addiction and alcoholism, and widespread violence, including irrational mass killings), among the things to consider is the replacement of America’s founding economic, monetary, and governmental system with a different system. There were good founding principles in America and bad founding principles. Among the bad ones, needless to say, were slavery and denial of women’s rights. It was a good thing that America abandoned its bad founding principles. But there were also good founding principles. It was the abandonment of those principles that has to be considered a major cause of the many woes that America is undergoing today. Let’s consider those good founding principles that were abandoned in favor of the system that Americans live under today: 1. Americans were free to ...

Unlibertarian Libertarianism

Just like liberals, conservatives, progressives, populists, and constitutionalists — but certainly not as bad — libertarians are not always consistent when it comes to libertarianism. In fact, what some libertarians propose is unlibertarian libertarianism. Libertarianism Libertarianism is the philosophy that says that people should be free from individual, societal, or government interference to live their lives any way they desire, pursue ...