Search Query: medicare

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You searched for "medicare" and here's what we found ...

Fauci! Fauci! Fauci!

During the Covid crisis, the cry from Covid critics was incessant: “Fauci! Fauci! Fauci!” Fauci was a liar. Fauci was a killer. Fauci was evil. Fauci had to go if we were to regain our healthcare freedom. Well, Fauci is gone. He is no longer head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, one of the 27 entities that compose the National Institutes of Health, which falls under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. He also is no longer chief medical advisor to the president. He left both positions in 2022. Anthony Fauci For that matter, we no longer live under Covid lockdowns, and no one is being mandated to take vaccines or wear masks. So, that means we are now, once again, free with respect to healthcare, right? Well, that is certainly what many of the Covid critics would say. For some ...

Understanding Freedom and Faith in Freedom

There are two major obstacles to achieving a genuinely free society in our lifetime: one, a lack of understanding of the genuine principles of freedom, and two, a lack of faith in freedom. The first obstacle involves principally nonlibertarians. The second obstacle involves everyone, including libertarians. If someone were to conduct a survey among the American people today in which people were asked if they felt they lived in a free society, I would bet that the vast majority of Americans would respond yes. Sure, Americans complain about how the federal government operates, about the large amount of federal spending and debt, about regulatory mishaps, about the adverse results of various foreign interventions and wars, and about various other aspects of the welfare-warfare state system under which Americans live. But I believe that most Americans would willingly agree with singer Lee Greenwald’s refrain, “I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.” My favorite quote is by the ...

Does Social Security Demonstrate “Compassion”?

I’m always fascinated by people, including libertarians, who convince themselves that they are being good, caring, and compassionate by advocating the continuation of Social Security. Claiming that it would be heartless to suddenly terminate this program, they say that the moral thing to do is continue the program for at least one generation. Of course, we all know what would happen at the end of that period — people would clamor for another 25-year extension by saying that to suddenly end the program would be heartless. Why do I find this to be fascinating? Several reasons. One, these paragons of virtue are being good, caring, and compassionate with money that is being stolen from people by the IRS. It’s always easy to be good, caring, and compassionate with other people’s money. It’s not so easy to be good, caring, and compassionate with one’s own money. Two, these paragons of virtue are relying on the initiation of force to ...