Search Query: medicare

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You searched for "medicare" and here's what we found ...

Trump’s Big Lie about Medicare and Social Security

In a recent brief video message to his supporters, former president and current 2024 presidential candidate Donald Trump warned Republicans about cutting Medicare or Social Security: Under no circumstances should Republicans vote to cut a single penny from Medicare or Social Security to help pay for Joe Biden’s reckless spending spree. . . . Do not cut the benefits our seniors worked for and paid for their entire lives. Save Social Security. Don’t destroy it! The Democrats are looking to destroy Social Security. We’re not going to let them do it. Senator J. D. Vance (R-Ohio) tweeted that Trump was “100 percent correct.” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has said that “cuts to Medicare and Social Security are off the table in talks around raising the debt limit.” Trump and the Republicans don’t just want to spare Medicare and Social Security from cuts so that Biden and the Democrats don’t have extra money ...

The Roots of American Dysfunctionality, Part 1

Part 1 | Part 2 Among the best examples of the dysfunctional nature of American society are the mass killings that take place on a regular basis. As everyone knows, many of them occur without any rational motive. Someone just decides that he is going to go out and kill a bunch of people. Whenever one of these mass killings take place, inevitably there are those who call for gun control. If only America had stricter gun-control laws, or if only America could cause all guns to disappear, the argument goes, the mass killings would stop. It’s all because of guns, they say. Yet, practically every family in Switzerland is armed to the teeth. The Swiss certainly don’t have daily mass killings. The same holds true for nineteenth-century Americans. They had virtually no gun-control laws, but they didn’t experience this daily mass-killing phenomenon. Moreover, some of today’s mass killings take place in states or localities that have strict gun-control laws. If we ...

Republican Déjà Vu

The year was 1994. A Democratic president had been in the White House for two years. The Democrats controlled the Senate and the House of Representatives. House Republicans issued a document detailing the actions they would take if they gained control of the House. Republicans were projected to win big. A midterm election was held. A red wave then swept the country. The Republicans gained control of both houses of Congress. A Republican revolution was proclaimed. The Democratic president was prevented from implementing his liberal agenda. The Republican faithful were ecstatic. The Democratic president had to work with Republicans in Congress. And nothing of substance happened that had any real effect on federal spending, the size and scope of government, or the welfare/warfare state. In 2022, we experienced a Republican déjà vu. A Democratic president had been in the White House for two years. The Democrats controlled the Senate and the House of Representatives. House Republicans issued a document detailing the ...

The Free Market Can and Should Be Absolute

The 1932 Democratic Party platform advocated “the removal of government from all fields of private enterprise except where necessary to develop public works and natural resources in the common interest.” But since the advent of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal — a raw deal for Americans that raised taxes; forced most manufacturing industries into cartels with codes that regulated prices; paid ...