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You searched for "medicare" and here's what we found ...

The Consistency of Libertarianism

The essence of libertarianism is that a person should be free to live his life in any manner he chooses as long as his activities are peaceful, his interactions are consensual, and his associations are voluntary. Conservative godfather Russell Kirk (1918–1994) was right, at least on this point, when he said that a man who calls himself a libertarian because he “believes in an enduring moral order, the Constitution of the United States, established American way of life, and a free economy” is actually “a conservative, even if he labors under an imperfect understanding of the general terms of politics.” That is because to the libertarian, liberty is the chief end: freedom from aggression and violence against person and property as long as one respects the person and property of others. Now, I don’t know of anyone who wouldn’t want such freedom and wouldn’t readily assent to this “nonaggression principle” — until you bring government into the picture. I don’t know ...

Nicolas Maduro: A New Hero for American Conservatives

Venezuela’s dictator Nicolas Maduro, who American conservatives have long reviled for his socialism and economic fascism, has suddenly become a new hero to them. How did such a remarkable transformation take place? Maduro has instituted a reign of terror against illegal immigrants in Venezuela, specifically those from Columbia. And that’s enough to make Maduro a new hero to American conservatives, who wish that President Obama (or his successor) would take the same actions against illegal immigrants in the United States that Maduro is taking against illegal immigrants in Venezuela. According to an article in the New York Times, Maduro has declared a state of emergency along the Columbia-Venezuela border as part of a massive crackdown on illegal immigration. The declaration suspends civil liberties, which has enabled Maduro’s immigration goons to conduct house to house searches, all without probable cause or judicially issued warrants. Show me a better example of tyrannical conduct than that. Yet, that’s precisely what conservatives want Obama to do here ...

Hitler, Mussolini, Khrushchev, and Trump

Things are getting mighty ugly. This week two Boston men beat up a homeless Hispanic immigrant. They used a metal pole to break his nose and batter his chest and arms. They also left him soaked in urine. According to the New York Times, one of them told police that he was inspired by the anti-immigrant message of GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump. The man, Scott Leader, age 38, told the police, “Donald Trump was right, all those illegals need to be deported.” Trump’s reaction upon hearing of the attack? “It would be a shame. I will say that people who are following me are very passionate. They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.” Trump’s view of illegal immigrants is now well-known. He considers many of them to be rapists, criminals, drug dealers, and stealers of jobs from Americans. It is clear that in Trump’s mind, illegal immigrants are the root cause of ...

Eighty Years of Socialism

Social Security reaches an important milestone in August of this year. The Social Security Administration is celebrating 80 years of “public service” with a tree-planting ceremony at the agency’s headquarters in Baltimore, a public-policy discussion in Washington, D.C., and activities at sporting events across the country. The Social Security Administration is celebrating 80 years of socialism. With little opposition, ...

Medicare Is a Cancer on the Body Politic

Not surprisingly, liberals are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Medicare, the socialistic healthcare program that was established under the political regime of President Lyndon Johnson. A good example is New York Times liberal columnist Paul Krugman, who wrote a piece a few days ago entitled “Zombies Against Medicare,” in which he extolled this governmental program. Krugman writes: Before the program ...

Who are the Patriots on the Fourth?

On the Fourth of July, American statists will be praising the troops, glorifying their exploits in foreign countries, thanking them for defending our rights and freedoms, and expressing thanks to federal officials for taking care of them with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education grants, farm subsidies, drug laws, and the myriad other programs that come with America’s welfare-warfare state. That’s ...