Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

My Advice to Obama on His Upcoming Trip to Cuba

Here’s my advice to President Obama for his upcoming trip to Cuba: Don’t lecture the Cuban regime on its violations of civil liberties, for two reasons. One, what goes on inside Cuba is none of your business or the business of the U.S. government. Two, and more important, you have no moral standing to be lecturing anyone on civil liberties. After all, you will have a difficult time responding if Cuban President Castro responds: “You lecture us on civil liberties? Look at your prison camp and ‘judicial’ center on the other side of Cuba as well as the powers that the U.S. national security establishment now wields over American citizens as part of its “war on terrorism.” Indefinite military detention, torture, abuse, secret surveillance schemes, and kangaroo tribunals. Such things are the hallmark of totalitarian regimes.” If Castro brags about Cuba’s system of socialized healthcare and socialized education, neither praise him nor criticize him. Instead, simply explain that government involvement in healthcare and ...

What’s Exceptional about America?

Two articles on the front page of yesterday’s Wall Street Journal belie the quaint conservative notion that the United States is an “exceptional” nation. One article was entitled “China’s Economy on Bubble Watch” and the other was entitled “Europe Faces Pension Pinch.” The article about China, which has long been governed by a communist regime, states that Chinese officials are emphasizing “growth” in the economy while, at the same time, avoiding an inflation of an asset bubble. To achieve these goals, China’s central bank has set specific targets for increases in the money supply. The Chinese communist plan should sound very familiar to Americans. Meanwhile, over in Europe the national governments are increasingly concerned that there are insufficient working young people to fund the pensions of all the people who are retiring. The second article points out, State-funded pensions are at the heart of Europe’s social-welfare model, insulating people from extreme poverty in old age. Most European countries have set aside almost nothing to ...

Bernie Sanders: Revolutionary Stuck in Reverse

I get why people like Bernie Sanders. He seems like a genuine person. Most of his funding comes from grassroots donors and he has a mostly deserved outsider status. He’s honest about his political beliefs, and isn’t afraid to call himself a socialist. He has all the rancorous charm of Peter Finch in the 1976 film, Network : He’s mad as hell and he’s not going to take it anymore! There’s only one problem: he really wants to start a revolution, but forgot to bring any revolutionary ideas to the rally. His policy prescriptions far from fresh, radical, or different have long comprised the political status quo in Washington. While it’s true he often diagnoses real issues, his almost always suggests solutions that are a contributing or root cause of the problems in the first place. He rightly sees student loan debt as an issue, yet he wants to flood the market with even more worthless college degrees by ...

Our Ancestors Were Different, Especially on Immigration

Whatever else might be said about our American ancestors, one thing is beyond dispute: Their position on immigration was diametrically opposite from that of Americans living today. Just think: Open immigration, a concept that, with the exception of libertarians, no American alive today would even come close to endorsing. Except for a cursory health inspection at Ellis Island to ensure ...

Closed-Border Libertarians: It’s Time to End the War on Immigration

Warrantless searches and seizures on a massive scale, bureaucratic logjams, arbitrary edicts that squelch freedom of association, unchecked waste and corruption — it is difficult to reconcile any of these symptoms of big government with liberty. And yet, many who strongly value freedom still support all of them in the name of border control. For these “closed-border libertarians”, the argument ...