Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Debunking Utopia

My new book Debunking Utopia - Exposing the Myth of Nordic Socialism will shortly be released. The Nordic countries are used by Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and many others as the shining examples of the benefits of democratic socialism. As I consistently show in the new book however, it is Nordic culture rather than Nordic politics that undergirds the success in this part of the world: - As an example, Nordic Americans already have much higher prosperity, and even lower poverty, than their cousins in the Nordics. - An often forgotten fact is that the Nordic countries had conservative small government policies until around 1960. Already at this time, the Nordic countries were leading the world in terms of prosperity, low poverty, low child mortality and long life spans. - If anything, since introducing large welfare states, the Nordic countries have lost some of their social success. The reason is that a significant portion of the population have become dependent on welfare handouts, ...

Immigration Controls Are Socialist

In the classical-liberal age of 19th-century Europe, there were no immigration controls. Here is how Gustav Stolper — a German economist, classical liberal, and an immigrant — described the world he had known: This economic and social system of Europe was predicated on a few axiomatic principles. These principles were considered safe and unshakable…. They were freedom of movement for men, for goods, and for money. Everyone could leave his country when he wanted and travel or migrate wherever he pleased without a passport. The only European country that demanded passports (not even visas!) was Russia, looked at askance for her backwardness with an almost contemptuous smile. Who wanted to travel to Russia, anyway? The liberal thinkers of the 19th century got a few things wrong, but they were steadfast in their defense of a free market in labor. They upheld freedom of migration as an axiomatic principle, as Stolper put it. They won the argument. And they lived ...

Freedom Is Dangerous

In the ideal world of those Americans who oppose the libertarian concept of open borders, there would be a 50-foot wall all around America, manned and patrolled by an enormous army of well-armed military troops prepared to do whatever is necessary to prevent any foreigner from getting through. Additionally, in their minds they envision a federal planning agency that finally, after decades of planned chaos in the area of immigration, consists of bureaucrats who have the knowledge and expertise to come up with a perfect immigration central plan in which no one crosses the border and enters the United States without governmental permission. The deep fear of such people is that under a libertarian system of open borders, billions of foreign citizens would suddenly flood into the United States, go on welfare, become American citizens, destroy American culture, steal jobs, rape Americans, take over the the federal government, and appoint federal judges who would enforce Sharia law rather than the ...

Open Immigration with a Welfare State

Although free-market economist Milton Friedman defended the principle of open immigration, he had a caveat: “It's just obvious you can't have free immigration and a welfare state.” Conservatives and even some libertarians have long used Friedman’s statement to justify their support of government-controlled immigration. But Friedman was wrong. Of course you can have both open immigration and a welfare state. ...

Open Borders Is the Only Libertarian Immigration Position

There is a common misconception in the libertarian movement that there are two positions on immigration within libertarianism: the position favoring open borders and the position favoring government-controlled borders. Nothing could be further from the truth. Libertarianism is a consistent philosophy. It doesn’t encompass contradictory positions. The core principle of libertarianism is what is called the non-aggression principle. It holds that ...