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Hornberger’s Blog, August 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009 Torture Works. Just Ask U.S. POWs from the Korean War by Jacob G. Hornberger An August 29 Washington Post article entitled How a Detainee Became an Asset details how the CIAs harsh interrogation techniques caused Khalid Sheik Mohammed to become a CIA asset, meaning that he sung like a canary, confessed his crimes, disclosed everything he knew, and cooperated with the CIA. Well, there you have it. Torture really does work, probably even on the innocent. It converts terrorists and potential terrorists into allies and it saves lives. Hail torture! But why stop at isolation, sensory deprivation, forced standing, waterboarding, walling, beating, and sex abuse? Why not the rack? Why not electricity on the genitals? Here take a look at some really good methods of torture that are depicted ...

Border Patrol Abuse Comes with Immigration Controls

Today’s issue of FFF Email Update links to an article about a rancher from my hometown of Laredo, Texas, who is complaining about abuses at the hands of the U.S. Border Patrol. I know what that Laredo rancher is talking about because I experienced the same sort of Border Patrol abuse that he has experienced. I grew up on a farm that was located on the banks of the Rio Grande. When I was a kid, we would often drive down to the river to check on our irrigation pump. We could easily see Mexico across the river. Our property was fenced and we had a gate at the entrance of our property. We were required to provide the Border Patrol with a key to the lock. The reason? Because the Border Patrol had the legal authority to trespass onto our ...

Patriotism along the Southern Border, Part 2

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 In February 1846, the independent nation of Texas was annexed as a state in the United States of America. The citizens of Texas were now American citizens. However, there was one major glitch. Mexico still considered the Texas territory to be part of Mexico. It threatened war over the annexation of Texas, which it refused to recognize. Believing that it was its manifest destiny to stretch to the Pacific Ocean, the United States had previously offered to purchase the Mexican territories of California, New Mexico, and Arizona for $15,000,000. Mexico had indignantly refused the offer. After the Texas annexation, U.S. President James Polk decided to send troops into south Texas. But the troops did not stop at the Nueces River, which ...

Gold and Free Banking versus Central Banking

In spite of the officially declared “independence” of the Federal Reserve from the immediate political control of either Congress or the White House, America’s central bank is, nonetheless, a branch of the U.S. government that is responsible for setting monetary policy, overseeing a variety of banking regulations, and influencing market interest rates. As a result, politics is always present ...

The Dangerous Pursuit of Empire: Russia, China, and the United States

Giving up the reality, the nostalgia, or the dream of empire is very difficult for those in political power, and even for those citizens who have bought into their government’s indoctrination and propaganda. Historically, empire-builders and political leaders often seem to hold certain attitudes and ideas in common. First, they believe that they and their group or nation are on ...