Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Libertarianism and Open Immigration

The core principle of libertarianism is the non-aggression principle. It holds that it is morally wrong to initiate force against another person. That means no murder, rape, theft, burglary, trespass, or other acts of violence (or fraud) against others. Or another way to put it is: A person should be free to do whatever he wants in life, so long as his conduct is peaceful. A corollary principle of libertarianism is the one expressed by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence: Every person in the world, not just Americans, is endowed with fundamental, natural, God-given rights. These rights include life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. The right to life means that people have the right to sustain their lives through labor by engaging in an occupation, profession, or economic enterprise without governmental permission, restriction, regulation, or control. The right to liberty includes freedom of association — the right to associate (or not) with whomever a person wants to associate. Liberty ...

Freedom To Move: Personal Liberty or Government Control, Part I

The immigration issue has once more bubbled to the surface in America because of the provocative statements and assertions by one of the Republication contenders for their party’s presidential nomination. Immigrants – especially illegal immigrants – are accused of stealing the jobs of “real” Americans, of mooching off the welfare state at the expense of taxpaying U.S. citizens and legal residents, and threatening the political status quo of the nation, since “we all know” that too many of those immigrants, if given citizenship, will vote for the political plunders who offer them more of other people’s money. America the Land of Opportunity for the New Comer It is a cliché, but it is no less true: we are a nation of immigrants. It is estimated that between 1840 and 1914, around 60 million people left Europe to settle somewhere else in the world. About 35 million of them came to the United States. The remainder found new homes in Australia, New Zealand, ...

Northwoods University Freedom Week

FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger will be giving a talk via Skype for the Northweeods University Freedom Week on October 27, 2014 from 6-8 p.m. eastern. Jacob's talk will be on open borders. Open borders would encompass both unilateral free trade and open immigration. People would be free to peacefully enter into mutually beneficial exchanges with each other regardless of citizenship, creating ...