Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Neocon Frenzy Over Trump

Donald Trump is certainly no libertarian but it is absolutely fantastic the way he has thrown the neocon movement into sheer panic and desperation. The neocons, as most everyone knows by now, are known for the death and destruction that they want the U.S. government to continue wreaking on foreigners around the world, especially in the Middle East. Recall what happened after the U.S. national-security state lost its official Cold War enemy, the Soviet Union, in 1989. There was panic and desperation then too, primarily within the Pentagon and the CIA. People were talking about a “peace dividend,” one that would involve a significant reduction in military spending. That was not to be. Beginning with George W. Bush’s Persian Gulf intervention, the U.S. national security state embarked on a decades-long campaign of wreaking death and destruction in the Middle East with its Cold War military machine. And the neocons loved it and cheered it on. The more death, the more destruction, the more ...

Is Drug Freedom a Tenet of Liberalism?

Is someone a liberal because he supports medical-marijuana initiatives? Is someone a liberal if he favors the decriminalization of marijuana? Is someone a liberal for backing proposals to release nonviolent drug offenders from the nation’s prisons? Is someone a liberal if he defends the right of states to legalize marijuana for recreational use? Is someone a liberal because he advocates the repeal of all laws and regulations concerning drugs and the institution of drug freedom throughout the United States? Conservatives say so. In fact, in the mind of conservatives, referring to someone as a liberal is about the worst thing that one could say about someone. It ranks just above calling someone a communist or a socialist. Liberals, after all, favor the redistribution of wealth, social-engineering schemes, income-redistribution plans, progressive taxation, the welfare state, political correctness, regulation of business, and government intervention in the economy and society. Conservatives, on the other hand, champion free markets, limited government, free enterprise, property ...

Wilhelm Röpke: The Economist Who Stood Up to Hitler

Sometimes there are men of principle who live their values and not merely speak or write about them. People who stand up to political evil at their own risk, and then go on to say and do things that help to remake their country in the aftermath of war and destruction. One such individual was the German, free-market economist, Wilhelm Röpke. Born on October 10, 1899, Wilhelm Röpke died half a century ago on February 12, 1966. It seems appropriate to mark the fifty-year passing of one of the great European economists and advocates of freedom during the last one hundreds years. In the dark days immediately following the rise to power of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi movement in Germany in January 1933, Röpke refused to remain silent. He proceeded to deliver a public address in which warned his audience that Germany was in the grip of a “revolt against reason, freedom and humanity.” Nazism as the destruction of decent society Nazism ...

The Libertarian Sticking Point

Why aren’t more Americans libertarians? Why aren’t more liberals becoming libertarians? They generally share the libertarian commitment to freedom of speech, civil liberties, personal freedom, privacy, and the Fourth Amendment, or at least they claim to do so. Why aren’t more conservatives becoming libertarians? They generally share the libertarian commitment to the free market, limited government, free trade, property ...

Dangerous Speech: Would the Founders Be Considered Domestic Extremists Today?

“If you can’t say ‘F***’ you can’t say, ‘F*** the government.’” ― Lenny Bruce Not only has free speech become a four-letter word—profane, obscene, uncouth, not to be uttered in so-called public places—but in more and more cases, the government deems free speech to be downright dangerous and in some instances illegal. The U.S. government has become particularly intolerant ...