Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

James Mill, David Ricardo and the Triumph of Free Trade

We are in the midst of marking the centenary of the First World War, which was fought from 1914 to 1918. But, in fact, the first real modern world war enveloped Europe and other parts of the globe more than a century earlier from 1791 to 1815, during which first Revolutionary and then Napoleonic France was at war with virtually all the nations of Europe. Death and destruction followed everywhere as the French armies invaded and occupied countries, and then were the battlegrounds of opposing forces resisting and driving out the armies of France. Historian Robert Mackenzie explained the conflict in his 1882 history of the nineteenth century: At the opening of the Nineteenth Century all Europe was occupied with war. The European people then numbered one hundred and seventy million, and of these four million were set apart, by their own choice or the decree of their governments, to the business of fighting. They were withdrawn from the occupations of ...

Trump Will Not Make America Great Again

With today’s inauguration, supporters of Donald Trump have high hopes that he is going to “make America great again,” which was his signature slogan during his presidential campaign. Forgive me for raining on Trump’s inaugural parade but it just ain’t going to happen. Trump is not going to make America great again. He’s going to do the exact opposite. There is a simple reason for this. Trump, like most other conservatives, is a big-government man. Like his fellow conservatives, he firmly believes in both the welfare state and the warfare state. Like other conservatives, he wants to save Social Security. He wants to preserve Medicare and Medicaid. He believes in farm subsidies, education grants, public works projects, foreign aid, and other aspects of the welfare state. By the same token, like most other conservatives he believes in a giant and powerful military, the CIA, and the NSA. Oh sure, he might be ...

Is Trump Falling into Line on Russia?

Most everyone in Washington, especially those who feed at the warfare-state trough, is overly pleased with Mad Dog Mattis, President-elect Trump’s nominee for Defense Secretary. That’s because Mattis’ testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee fell squarely within the acceptable parameters established by the U.S. national-security establishment. Russia is bad. Putin is worse. Good relations with Russia are impossible. Russia is a rival. Russia is an enemy. Americans must reject Russia. It all brings to mind the Cold War and the conversion of the federal government to a national-security state, the same type of governmental apparatus that characterizes totalitarian regimes. In fact, the current controversy over Russia helps to show young people what many of us had to endure during the Cold War I years. As soon as World War II was over, U.S. officials did not skip a beat. While Nazi Germany had been defeated in the war, Americans were told that ...

Will the CIA Retaliate Against Trump?

In a truly remarkable bit of honesty and candor regarding the U.S. national-security establishment, new Senate minority leader Charles Schumer has accused President-elect Trump of “being really dumb.” Was Schumer referring to Trump’s ideology, philosophy, or knowledge about economics or foreign policy? None of the above. According to an article in The Hill, he told Rachel Maddow on her show that ...