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Hornberger’s Blog, March 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010 Why Do Conservatives Still Love the Drug War? by Jacob G. Hornberger An article by a conservative named Cliff Kincaid, who serves as editor of the Accuracy in Media (AIM) Report, provides a perfect example of how different libertarians are from conservatives and, well, for that matter, how there ain’t a dime’s worth of difference, when it comes to individual freedom, between conservatives and liberals. The article concerns the drug war and is entitled, “Dopey Conservatives for Dope.” Ardently defending the continuation of the drug war, despite some 35 years of manifest failure, Kincaid takes fellow conservatives to task who are finally joining libertarians in calling for an end to the drug war. He specifically mentions columnist Steve Chapman, whose article “In the Drug War, ...

Paul Krugman’s Fear of Libertarianism

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has some advice for millennials: Don’t vote for Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson because the Libertarian Party platform calls for the abolition of the federal income tax (and, of course, the IRS too), Social Security and Medicare (and also Medicaid and all other welfare-state programs), public schooling, and environmental regulations.  My reaction: This is awesome. Krugman is advertising what libertarians believe in. Inevitably, there will be a some young people (and older people as well) who read that column and think to themselves, “That sounds like an intriguing and interesting philosophy. I think I’ll check out why so many young people are becoming libertarians.” Consider the idea of dismantling Social Security. Krugman is clearly shocked — absolutely shocked — that anyone would want to abolish this socialist program. In his mind, Social Security is as American as apple pie, notwithstanding the fact it originated among socialists in Germany ...

Help FFF Spread the Ideas of Liberty

Before I was to deliver a speech at a recent conference in Virginia, a young woman introduced herself and told me that a quotation of mine, which she had read on the Internet when she was in the 8th grade, had shifted the course of her life by leading her to explore libertarianism. She was so struck by the quotation that she translated it into Spanish so that she could discuss it in her Spanish class. She told me that today she is a libertarian, a freshman at Harvard, and fluent in Spanish. The conference, which was sponsored by the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, set forth the principles of a libertarian foreign policy. That young woman’s story goes to the heart of FFF’s mission and methodology. As longtime supporters of FFF know, our mission is to present an uncompromising moral, philosophical, and economic case for the libertarian philosophy. Ever since our inception 27 years ago, there have ...