Search Query: history of cia wars

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Hornberger’s Blog: August 2004

Tuesday, August 31, 2004 Some pro-Vietnam War veterans are taking John Kerry to task for his antiwar positions after he returned from Vietnam. What these guys fail to understand is simply because soldiers fight in a war doesn’t make the war right or just, not even if the soldiers fight bravely or courageously. For example, there were plenty of German and Soviet soldiers who fought bravely and courageously when Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland on the eve of World War II but that certainly didn’t mean that their invasion and occupation of Poland was right or just. In fact, the German war of aggression against Poland was later condemned as a war crime at Nuremberg. (The Soviet invasion of Poland was not condemned at Nuremberg because the Soviet Union was one of the Nuremberg judges.) One of the big problems with ...

Hornberger’s Blog: August 2004

Tuesday, August 31, 2004 Some pro-Vietnam War veterans are taking John Kerry to task for his antiwar positions after he returned from Vietnam. What these guys fail to understand is simply because soldiers fight in a war doesn’t make the war right or just, not even if the soldiers fight bravely or courageously. For example, there were plenty of German and Soviet soldiers who fought bravely and courageously when Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland on the eve of World War II but that certainly didn’t mean that their invasion and occupation of Poland was right or just. In fact, the German war of aggression against Poland was later condemned as a war crime at Nuremberg. (The Soviet invasion of Poland was not condemned at Nuremberg because the Soviet Union was one of the Nuremberg judges.) One of the big problems with ...

Hornberger’s Blog: July 2004

Saturday, July 31, 2004 Well, well, well—surprise, surprise—millions of dollars in Iraqi oil money that have supposedly been used to “rebuild” Iraq are unaccounted for, resulting in 27 criminal investigations for fraud—against U.S. officials. The Los Angeles Times reports, “The report raises anew questions surrounding the occupation government under Ambassador L. Paul Bremer III, who turned over control in June to an interim Iraqi government.” Question: Will Bill O’Reilly, William Safire, and other neo-cons who have shown “outrage” over the financial scandal involving the UN’s oil-for-food program show as much “outrage” over this scandal? Don’t count on it. Maybe they just don't realize that there's "waste, fraud, and abuse" in all socialist programs, including ones run by U.S. government officials. Not surprisingly, the Pentagon officials did not return calls from the LA Times for comment. Perhaps that’s because fraud involving hundreds ...