Search Query: history of cia wars

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Commentaries – 2007

December 2007 Are Conservatives (Undocumented) Aliens? by Jacob G. Hornberger Torturing the Language of Torture by Sheldon Richman Nonintervention: The Original Foreign Policy (Video) by Ron Paul The Tortured Logic of Executive Supremacy (Video) by Joseph R. Stromberg Iran's Phantom Nukes by Sheldon Richman Technology and Government Power A Deadly Cocktail Freedom (Video) by Bob Barr November 2007 Bully of the Playground: How Washington Makes Enemies Abroad and Undermines Freedom at Home (Video) by Ted Galen Carpenter The Myth of a Risk-Free Life by Tibor Machan Iraq 3.0 by Sheldon Richman Advancing Liberty With Your Support by Jacob G. Hornberger Should the State License Human Beings? by Sheldon Richman The Soviet-Style Attack on NORFED by Jacob G. Hornberger The CIAs Detention, Interrogation, and Rendition Program (Video) by Joanne Mariner Life & Property by Tibor Machan The Foolishness ...

The Ongoing U.S. War on Iran

The Washington, D.C., establishment and the U.S. mainstream press continue to express concern about the possibility that war is going to break out between the United States and Iran.  That is ridiculous. What they don’t want to confront is that the U.S. government is already waging war against Iran and has been for many years. After all, how else to describe the vicious and brutal U.S. economic sanctions on Iran? Those sanctions target the Iranian populace with death and economic impoverishment and have been tremendously successful in achieving that end. Sure, it’s not bombs, missiles, and bullets that are killing and destroying the Iranian people, like the way U.S. officials have been killing the people of Iraq and Afghanistan for decades.  But make no mistake about it: A person who is killed because of sanctions is just as dead as the person killed by bombs, missiles, or bullets. Sanctions have become such a ...

Two Different Americas

There have been two completely different Americas in U.S. history. Let’s examine twelve ways in which they differ. 1. For more than a century after the United States came into existence, there was no income taxation or IRS. People were free to keep everything they earned and decide for themselves what to do with it. Today, income taxation and the IRS are a core feature of American life. The government essentially owns everyone’s income and decides how much people will be permitted to keep, much as a parent permits his children to have an allowance. 2. No Social Security. Earlier Americans rejected the concept of mandatory charity. People were left free to decide for themselves whether to help out their parents and others. Today, Social Security is a core feature of American life. The federal government forces younger people to help out seniors ...