Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Another Terrorist Attack on “Our Values”

When I read New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s statement regarding the latest terrorist attack in New York City, my initial reaction was this: How can this guy be so obtuse? Here is what he said in response to this week’s attack in the Manhattan subway system by a suicide bomber: This was an attack on our values, an effort to break our spirit, but it failed. New York City is a strong and resilient place. But then I thought, maybe I should give Blasio the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he jumped to his conclusion before learning what really motivated the attacker to commit his act of terrorism. But if that was the case, then why didn’t Blasio correct his original statement after the attacker told investigators that he was retaliating against the U.S. government for its war on ISIS in the Middle East? After the terrorist attack in New York City last October, when an attacker used a ...

John Lennon Was Right

Militant nonviolent resistance works. Peaceful, prolonged protests work. Mass movements with huge numbers of participants work. Yes, America, it is possible to use occupations and civil disobedience to oppose government policies, counter injustice and bring about change outside the confines of the ballot box. It has been done before. It can be done again. For example, in May of 1932, more than 43,000 people, dubbed the Bonus Army—World War I veterans and their families—marched on Washington. Out of work, destitute and with families to feed, more than 10,000 veterans set up tent cities in the nation's capital and refused to leave until the government agreed to pay the bonuses they had been promised as a reward for their services. The Senate voted against paying them immediately, but the protesters didn't budge. Congress adjourned for the summer, and still the protesters remained encamped. Finally, on July 28, under orders from President Herbert Hoover, the military descended with tanks and cavalry and drove the protesters out, setting ...

What Went Wrong in Charlottesville

“In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem, government IS the problem.”—Ronald Reagan Corruption. Graft. Intolerance. Greed. Incompetence. Ineptitude. Militarism. Lawlessness. Ignorance. Brutality. Deceit. Collusion. Corpulence. Bureaucracy. Immorality. Depravity. Censorship. Cruelty. Violence. Mediocrity. Tyranny. These are the hallmarks of an institution that is rotten through and through. What you smell is the stench of a dying republic. Our dying republic. The American experiment in freedom is failing fast. Through every fault of our own—our apathy, our ignorance, our intolerance, our disinclination to do the hard work of holding government leaders accountable to the rule of law, our inclination to let politics trump longstanding constitutional principles—we have been reduced to this sorry state in which we are little more than shackled inmates in a prison operated for the profit of a corporate elite. We have been saddled with the wreckage of a government at all levels that no longer represents the citizenry, serves the citizenry, or is accountable to the citizenry. We’re not ...

The Mainstream Media’s Deference to Authority in the JFK Assassination

I just finished watching an interesting documentary film entitled The Searchers by Randolph Benson, who teaches at the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University. The film focuses on private researchers during the aftermath of the JFK assassination who have questioned and investigated the official narrative put out by the Warren Commission and the Washington, D.C., establishment. According to ...

Russia: Our New (and Old) Official Enemy

Robert Mueller’s investigation of the Trump administration confirms the overarching power of the national-security establishment section of the federal government and what happens when a president bucks that power. At the center of the controversy is Russia, which the Pentagon and the CIA and their assets and acolytes in the mainstream press and Washington, D.C., establishment, have deemed to be ...

The Problem with Conservatism

Nikolai G. Wenzel has a problem with conservatism. A libertarian, Wenzel is a Research Fellow at the University of Paris Law School’s Center for Law & Economics and the coauthor (with conservative Nathan W. Schlueter) of Selfish Libertarians and Socialist Conservatives? The Foundations of the Libertarian-Conservative Debate (Stanford Economic and Finance, 2017). This book is the only “debate book” between ...