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You searched for "jfk" and here's what we found ...

The JFK Autopsy Cover-Up

A classic example of the obtuseness of the U.S. mainstream press regarding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy occurred recently on television station KARE in Minneapolis-St. Paul, when the station’s reporter, Chris Hrapsky, was interviewing federal Judge John Tunheim, who served as chairman of the Assassination Records Review Board, the agency that Congress established in the 1990s to enforce the JFK Records Act. The Act, which was enacted in 1992 as a result of Oliver Stone’s movie JFK, required the CIA and other federal agencies to to disclose their long-secret JFK-related records to the public. However, the law gave the CIA and other agencies another 25 years to continue their secrecy, which the CIA took advantage of by keeping tens of thousands of its assassination records secret. The deadline expired on October 26, 2017. However on the very day of the deadline, the CIA succeeding in persuading President Trump to continue keeping most ...

Martin Luther King and Lee Harvey Oswald

The mainstream media and the acolytes of the U.S. national-security establishment continue to emphasize that there are no “smoking guns” in the tiny (2 percent) of the 50-year-old JFK records that President Trump, the National Archives, and the CIA have recently permitted the American people to see. Of course, these people define “smoking gun” as a videotaped confession or a memorandum summarizing how and why the CIA orchestrated the November 22, 1963 regime-change operation. If the released records don’t contain a confession or such a memorandum, then in the minds of the people that means the official narrative must stand: A lone-nut former U.S. Marine communist with no motive suddenly decided to kill the president. Even with the tiny release of records, however, it is possible to draw logical inferences that show the falsity of the official narrative. This type of analytical analysis, however, only works for people who have a critical and analytical mindset. It doesn’t work for people whose ...

The National Archives: Lawbreaker and Cover-Upper

On October 26, 2017, the National Archives, an independent federal agency that is headed by a man named David Ferriero, became a federal lawbreaker. The reason? On that date, the National Archives became legally obligated to release to the public all of the CIA’s and other federal agencies’ files relating to the JFK assassination in its possession. On that date, the National Archives failed and refused to release those long-secret records in its possession. On that date, the National Archives, under Ferriero’s auspices, became a federal lawbreaker. In 1991, the movie JFK, directed by Oliver Stone, was released. The movie posited that the assassination of President Kennedy was orchestrated by the CIA and other elements of the U.S. national-security establishment as part of a U.S. regime-change operation designed to protect the country from a president whose policies and practices, they felt, constituted a grave threat to national security. (See FFF’s ebook JFK’s War with the National Security Establishment: Why Kennedy Was ...

I Predict Trump Will Continue the CIA’s JFK Assassination Cover-Up

Last Friday, President Trump made the following announcement: I have decided not to block release of the CIA’s remaining JFK-assassination related records except for those records that directly implicate the CIA in the assassination, which will continue to remain secret.” Okay, he didn’t really put it like that. But that’s the potential and likely import of his announcement, which actually read ...