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El Mal del Estado de la Seguridad Nacional, Parte 10

The following is a Spanish translation of “The Evil of the National Security State” by Jacob G. Hornberger. The translation was done for FFF on a complimentary basis by a FFF supporter in Spain. Please share it with your Spanish-speaking friends.   Parte 1 | Parte 2 | Parte 3 | Parte 4 | Parte 5| Parte 6 | Parte 7 | Parte 8 | Parte 9 | Parte 10 | Parte 11 | Parte 12 Todo el mundo sabe que los militares y la CIA harán siempre lo que el presidente considere necesario para proteger la seguridad nacional. En nombre de la seguridad nacional echaron al primer ministro, democráticamente elegido, de Irán, Mohammed Mossadegh, mediante un golpe que dio paso al régimen brutal de un dictador pro EEUU, el shah del Irán. También se deshicieron del presidente de Guatemala, democráticamente elegido, Jacobo Arbernz, a quien siguió una serie ...

Don’t Northwoods Iran

All the buzz over possible war with Iran brings us a déjà vu feeling, given that U.S. officials prepared Americans with similar pre-war hype in the run up to their war on Iraq. WMDs. Mushroom clouds over American cities. An insane dictator. Threats to national security. Etcetera. Keep in mind that Iran, like Iraq, has never attacked the United States. If President Obama gives his military and his CIA orders to attack Iran, the United States will once again be the aggressor nation, as it was in its war on Iraq. That’s one reason, of course, aggressors like to maneuver targeted nations into firing the first shot. In that way, the aggressor nation can tell its citizens, “We’ve been attacked! We’re innocent! We have been forced to go to war to defend ourselves.” That’s what President Franklin Roosevelt tried to do with the Germans prior to U.S. entry into World War II. He knew that the American people were steadfastly opposed to ...

Hornberger’s Blog, February 2012

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 Libertarians versus Liberals on the Poor Wouldn’t it be great to have a national debate between liberals and libertarians over whose philosophy and policies help the poor? For decades liberals have claimed that the welfare-state/regulated-economy way of life helps the poor. That has been the major rationale for the statist way of life under which we have all been born and raised. Libertarians, on the other hand, hold the exact opposite. We hold that economic statism is the very worst thing for the poor. Contrary to liberals, we contend that if people truly want to help the poor, the best way to do that is do embrace the libertarian philosophy of economic liberty. Consider Cuba, for example. That country has taken liberal principles to their logical conclusion. The government took from the rich and gave to the poor by nationalizing everything. Everyone became an employee of the government, including physicians, lawyers, and industrialists. By and large, everyone became equal in ...