Search Query: history of cia wars

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You searched for "history of cia wars" and here's what we found ...

Restore a Republic before It’s Too Late

The schedule for our big upcoming conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties on June 1-4 at the Hyatt Regency Reston in Reston, Virginia, is now online. The updated schedule contains the titles of all the talks by our 24 speakers. This stands to be one of the most exciting and important conferences in the history of the libertarian movement. Your $495 registration fee includes all ten Hyatt Regency meals at the conference plus 24 of the greatest speeches youll ever hear in your life. Chalmers Johnsons newest article Why Nemesis Is at the USs Door could easily be the theme of our conference. Johnson is a retired professor of Asian studies at the University of California, San Diego. From 1968 until 1972 he served as a consultant to the Office ...

The Critical Dilemma Facing Pro-War Libertarians

Also see: The Pentagon's Power to Arrest, Torture, and Execute Americans It Can't Happen Here The Islamo-Fascist Rationale for Abandoning Liberty The 9/11 attacks exposed a major fault line in the libertarian movement. On one side of the divide were those libertarians who contended that the 9/11 attacks were a direct consequence of U.S. foreign policy specifically the bad things that the federal government had done to people overseas, especially in the Middle East. Therefore, those libertarians argued, the only real long-term solution to terrorism against the United States lay in reining in the federal governments actions overseas, by such actions as bringing home U.S. troops stationed overseas, dismantling the military-industrial complex, abolishing the CIA, discontinuing foreign aid, ending U.S. invasions and occupations, and ...

The Critical Dilemma Facing Pro-War Libertarians

Also see: The Pentagon's Power to Arrest, Torture, and Execute Americans It Can't Happen Here The Islamo-Fascist Rationale for Abandoning Liberty The 9/11 attacks exposed a major fault line in the libertarian movement. On one side of the divide were those libertarians who contended that the 9/11 attacks were a direct consequence of U.S. foreign policy specifically the bad things that the federal government had done to people overseas, especially in the Middle East. Therefore, those libertarians argued, the only real long-term solution to terrorism against the United States lay in reining in the federal governments actions overseas, by such actions as bringing home U.S. troops stationed overseas, dismantling the military-industrial complex, abolishing the CIA, discontinuing foreign aid, ending U.S. invasions and occupations, and ...