Search Query: history of cia wars

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The Conservative Descent into Moral Bankruptcy

Nineteen ninety and 1991 were critical years for conservatives, years that accelerated their decades-long descent into moral bankruptcy. The Berlin Wall came down in 1990, signaling the end of the Soviet Empire. The Persian Gulf War ended in 1991. It is impossible to overstate the radical nature of the philosophy that formed the basis for the founding of the United States. That philosophy brought into existence a society in which there was no Social Security, welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, public (i.e., government) school systems, income taxation, drug war, war on poverty, occupational licensure, business regulation, or minimum-wage law. Why, not even any immigration controls! Like I say, a radical philosophy--a philosophy that came to be known as "free enterprise, private property, and limited government." But there was another radical aspect to our Founders' philosophy--no standing ...

Why Submit to Blackmail When Bribery Is Available?

President Bush says hes not going to submit to blackmail by North Korea, but apparently he has nothing against bribery because hes now offering North Korea fuel, food, and an easing of U.S. sanctions in return for North Koreas promise not to produce nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, the president and other members of the federal government, including most members of Congress, just dont get it: North Korea wants nuclear weapons to deter or protect itself from a U.S. attack! And who can deny that that is a very rational fear, especially given the U.S. governments arrogant and pretentious interventionist foreign policy in which it intends to preemptively attack and invade evil nations anywhere in the world for the purpose of effecting regime change? After all, dont forget: Bush has already publicly announced that North Korea is a charter member of his axis of evil and that he loathes North Koreas dictator Kim Jong Il for starving his own people. Moreover, there are ...

Hornberger’s Blog, April 2004

Friday, April 30, 2004 Two responses to my article “Is Fox News Supporting the Troops or the President?” and my rejoinders to these responses have been posted on’s “Backtalk”: Kari Mencik: “This is the most irresponsible article I’ve read….” Jacob Hornberger: “Speaking of Berlin and Germany, let’s not forget the “liberation” and occupation….” *** Rachel Bass: “This man claims that you cannot support both the troops and the President. He claims that we are no longer fighting for freedom because Saddam has been caught! Does this man pay attention to the news? We are not occupying the Middle East to merely throw our weight around…. I am a member of the United States Army….” Jacob Hornberger: “….The real truth, which Bass and so many other American ...