Search Query: history of cia wars

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Has Russia Been Degraded Enough?

NOTICE: Owing to vacation plans, FFF Daily will not be sent out during the week of July 3. It will resume on Monday, July 10. **** American interventionists undoubtedly finished the weekend in a deep depression over the fact that Russia did not devolve into a full-scale civil war. With Wagner Group’s leader Yevgeny Prigozhin’s decision to give up his short-lived plan to initiate such a war, the possibility of a deadly Russian civil war evaporated at the same time. Just think how much more Russia would have been degraded with the deaths and injuries of millions of Russian people. “Darn!” U.S. interventionists and the U.S. national-security establishment undoubtedly exclaimed. Licensed under Creative Commons and attributed to And make no mistake about it: Degrading Russia has been one of the principal aims of the U.S. national-security establishment ever since the end of its old Cold ...

America’s Comeback

When most Americans hear the word comeback, they immediately think of sports. Whether it is football, basketball, golf, baseball, boxing, or hockey — Americans love a comeback. Like in 2019, when Tiger Woods won the Masters — his first Majors win in 11 years. Like in 2016, when the Chicago Cubs finished the regular season with the best record in baseball (103–58), and then came back from a 3–1 deficit to win the World Series — for the first time in 108 years. Like in 2017, when the New England Patriots overcame a 25-point deficit to win the Super Bowl by six points. Or like in 2016, when the Cleveland Cavaliers overcame — for the first time in league history — a 3–1 deficit in the NBA Finals to defeat the defending champions, the Golden State Warriors, in game seven.  Other comebacks Another common comeback is a political comeback. Mark Sanford, a Republican ...

Biden’s Atrocious Assange Prosecution

“A confident government that is unafraid of the truth embraces a free press,” proclaimed Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. But he was referring only to the Chinese government crackdown on Hong Kong journalists early last year. Unfortunately, the Biden administration continues rushing to destroy one of the most important truth tellers of our times. Julian Assange has been locked away for four years in a maximum-security prison in Britain. Assange was initially charged in 2019 with “conspiracy to commit computer intrusion” for allegedly giving advice to Army Corporal Bradley (later Chelsea) Manning on dealing with government files. But all the National Security Agency officials who have conspired to illegally intrude into Americans’ personal computers face no indictments, and likewise for the presidents who approved their crimes. It began with WikiLeaks Assange was targeted by the U.S. government after his organization, WikiLeaks, disclosed hundreds of thousands of U.S. documents, including exposés of crimes committed by the U.S. military against Afghan and Iraqi civilians. ...