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Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Perry Is Right about Social Security
Not surprisingly, Governor Rick Perry is catching flack from mainstream statists over his calling Social Security “a Ponzi scheme.” For statists, Social Security, as the crown jewel of the welfare state, is sacrosanct. Any challenge to the program or even an accurate description of how it works is, well, close to treason. Every red-blooded, patriotic American is expected to hew to the official line: People voluntary put their money into a federal trust fund and they have a right to get it out upon retirement.
So, for statists Perry has committed treason and even heresy by pointing out that Social Security is really nothing more than a Ponzi scheme, the type of scheme that federal officials criminally prosecute people for when they do this sort of thing in the private sector.
What exactly is a Ponzi scheme? How does it work? Who was Charles Ponzi? What ended up happening to him?
The answers to ...
Friday, December 30, 2011
Dorothy Rabinowitzs Attack on Ron Paul, Part 4
Dorothy Rabinowitzs Attack on Ron Paul, Part 1
Dorothy Rabinowitzs Attack on Ron Paul, Part 2
Dorothy Rabinowitzs Attack on Ron Paul, Part 3
The most disgraceful but, at the same time, the most revealing and, also, the most ominous aspect of Wall Street Journal editorial board ...