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Hornberger’s Blog, December 2009

Thursday, December 31, 2009 Fight Cuban Tyranny with American Freedom by Jacob G. Hornberger Once again, the U.S. government’s 112-year obsession with controlling Cuba rears its ugly head. This time, it involves the arrest by Cuban authorities of an American subcontractor who works for a company named “Development Alternatives, Inc.” According to the New York Times, (see here and here) “the company won an American government contract last year to help USAID ’support the rule of law and human rights, political competition and consensus building’ in Cuba.” It’s not clear yet whether the man is a CIA agent or whether Development Alternatives, Inc. is a CIA front company, but it’s entirely possible. After all, it does seem somewhat strange that the U.S. government continues to refuse to disclose the guy’s identity. Moreover, as William Blum points out in ...

Hornberger’s Blog, December 2009

Thursday, December 31, 2009 Fight Cuban Tyranny with American Freedom by Jacob G. Hornberger Once again, the U.S. government’s 112-year obsession with controlling Cuba rears its ugly head. This time, it involves the arrest by Cuban authorities of an American subcontractor who works for a company named “Development Alternatives, Inc.” According to the New York Times, (see here and here) “the company won an American government contract last year to help USAID ’support the rule of law and human rights, political competition and consensus building’ in Cuba.” It’s not clear yet whether the man is a CIA agent or whether Development Alternatives, Inc. is a CIA front company, but it’s entirely possible. After all, it does seem somewhat strange that the U.S. government continues to refuse to disclose the guy’s identity. Moreover, as William Blum points out in ...

Hornberger’s Blog, June 2011

Thursday, June 30, 2011 Immigration Controls and a Police State Yesterday I commented on conservative Pat Buchanan’s recent anti-immigration rant. Today, I wish to comment on an aspect of immigration controls that both conservatives and liberals rarely confront — the federal government’s police-state powers that come with enforcing immigration controls. I’d venture to say that most Americans who are upset with the abusive tactics of the TSA at airports have no idea that Americans who live along our country’s southern border have had to deal with this type of federal abuse for decades — from the Border Patrol and the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Over the years, the mindset among Americans living elsewhere in the country, I think, has been, “Oh, well, it’s not happening to me, so why should I care?” Consider, for example, the fact that in Texas the Border Patrol has the legal authority, under the guise of immigration controls, to arbitrarily enter onto any private property that adjoins the ...

Hornberger’s Blog, July 2004

Saturday, July 31, 2004 Well, well, well—surprise, surprise—millions of dollars in Iraqi oil money that have supposedly been used to “rebuild” Iraq are unaccounted for, resulting in 27 criminal investigations for fraud—against U.S. officials. The Los Angeles Times reports, “The report raises anew questions surrounding the occupation government under Ambassador L. Paul Bremer III, who turned over control ...

Hornberger’s Blog, July 2004

Saturday, July 31, 2004 Well, well, well—surprise, surprise—millions of dollars in Iraqi oil money that have supposedly been used to “rebuild” Iraq are unaccounted for, resulting in 27 criminal investigations for fraud—against U.S. officials. The Los Angeles Times reports, “The report raises anew questions surrounding the occupation government under Ambassador L. Paul Bremer III, who turned over ...

The Assassination of Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt, Part 2

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Immediately after the bombing that killed Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt, Michael Moffitt began screaming, “DINA!” “Assassins!” The Washington, D.C., police who had arrived on the scene were mystified. Who the heck is Dina? they wondered. Moffitt was referring to the National Intelligence Directorate, an internal military-intelligence force within ...

The Corporatist Intelligence Agency

While the CIA is commonly understood to be an intelligence agency, we shouldn’t forget the important role it has played in carrying out clandestine operations that have benefited the financial elite. This accusation is substantiated by the CIA’s elitist origins, its well-documented connections to Wall Street, and its sordid history of carrying out assassinations, staging coups, and fomenting civil wars. The ...