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If We Are Going to Achieve Freedom

There is no doubt that when it comes to freedom, the situation in America is not good. Ever since I founded FFF some 31 years ago, our lives as welfare-warfare serfs has gotten progressively worse, year after year.  One option, of course, is to give up. Just surrender and accept our serfdom as a permanent condition and work to improve it.  That’s what libertarian reformers have done. Long ago, they concluded that the federal government was simply too big and too powerful. They saw that popular sentiment favored the welfare state and the national-security state. If they were to be “players,” they felt that they needed to accept the inevitability.  So, they decided to settle for reform. Social Security “privatization.” Health-savings accounts. School vouchers. Regulatory reform. Welfare reform. Pentagon reform. CIA reform. NSA reform. FISA court reform. Drug war reform. Immigration reform. Selective foreign interventionism. Getting libertarian-oriented conservatives in charge of regulatory commissions. And more.

Liberal Blindness on Wealth and Poverty

It would be difficult to find a better example of moral obtuseness than the mindset that leftists/liberals/progressives/socialists have toward wealth and poverty. (I’ll use the term “liberals” for the rest of this essay.) Liberals constantly lament the plight of the poor in American society today. But wait a minute: Wasn’t poverty what the welfare state was supposed to address?  The federal income tax was enacted in 1913, along with the Federal Reserve. Those two programs would ultimately become the engine by which the federal government would seize people’s income, either directly through taxation or indirectly through inflationary debasement of the currency, and give it to the poor. Beginning with Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal in the 1930s and continuing through Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society and his war on poverty, we’ve had the welfare state for around 90 years. Through such socialist programs as progressive income taxation, the Federal Reserve, Social ...

Leftists’ Perverse View of Capitalism

A recent article at Aljazeera by the noted leftist commentator Belén Fernández exemplifies the perverse mindset that leftists have toward what they call “capitalism.”  In her article, which is entitled “Why Does Mexico Have the World’s ‘Most Violent’ Cities?” Fernández attributes the massive violence in Mexico to the U.S. government’s war on drugs. So far, so good. She is right on that count. There is no doubt that the drug war has decimated Mexico, in the process killing hundreds of thousands of people and destroying the liberty and security of the Mexican people. The same applies, of course, to other Latin American nations. But then Fernández goes off the rails. She says that the drug war is part and parcel of America’s “capitalist” system, which, she says, “thrives on the proliferation of strife in general  and the marketing of superficial non-solutions to problems.” As part of ...