Explore Freedom » Hornberger's Blog

Hornberger's Blog

Who are the Patriots on the Fourth?

On the Fourth of July, American statists will be praising the troops, glorifying their exploits in foreign countries, thanking them for defending our rights and freedoms, and expressing thanks to federal officials for taking care of them with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education grants, farm subsidies, drug laws, and the myriad other programs that come with America’s welfare-warfare state. That’s ...

The National-Security’s State’s Crisis Racket

Imagine that Russia announced that it was reconstituting the Warsaw Pact and that Cuba, Venezuela, Chile, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Grenada, and Bolivia had signed on as members. Imagine also that Russia fomented a regime-change operation in Mexico that succeeded in ousting the democratically elected president of the country and installing a pro-Russia ruler in his stead. Imagine that Russia then embarked on ...