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Hornberger's Blog

Medicare Is a Cancer on the Body Politic

Not surprisingly, liberals are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Medicare, the socialistic healthcare program that was established under the political regime of President Lyndon Johnson. A good example is New York Times liberal columnist Paul Krugman, who wrote a piece a few days ago entitled “Zombies Against Medicare,” in which he extolled this governmental program. Krugman writes: Before the program ...

Was Donald Trump Right About John McCain?

Leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump set off a firestorm within the conservative community by suggesting that former Republican presidential candidate U.S. Senator John McCain shouldn’t be considered a war hero just for being captured during the Vietnam War. Apparently Trump has survived the firestorm because he’s still topping the Republican polls. In creating the controversy, however, Trump missed the ...

Donald Trump Visits My Hometown!

Leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump just visited my hometown of Laredo, Texas! Not surprisingly, Trump entered Laredo filled with fear. I say “not surprisingly” because Republicans live their lives filled with fear. Communists! Terrorists! Muslims! Illegal aliens! Drug dealers! Bin Laden! Saddam! Ho Chi Minh! Republicans are convinced that they’re all coming to get us. Knees are always a’knockin’ ...

Don’t Some Libertarians Favor Immigration Controls?

I recently received a good question about libertarianism and open borders: Aren’t there some libertarians who favor immigration controls? If so, doesn’t that preclude anyone from saying that libertarians favor open borders? The answer to the first question is yes, and the answer to the second question is no. The fact that some libertarians favor immigration controls is irrelevant in determining ...