A Confluence of Cultures along the Border by Jacob G. Hornberger February 8, 2008 For those of you looking for something patriotic to do to celebrate George Washington’s birthday, you might want to consider traveling down to my hometown of Laredo, Texas, on the weekend of February 22. Laredo, a city along the Texas-Mexican border has the biggest George Washington birthday celebration in the nation. What’s special about the celebration ...
U.S. Soldiers Will Pay the Price for Bush’s Torture Policy by Jacob G. Hornberger February 7, 2008 After years of hearing President Bush proudly proclaim to the American people and the world that “We don’t torture,” yesterday the American people and the world learned that it was just one more lie on top of all the others. The White House and the CIA have come out and publicly admitted that they have ...
Why Doesn’t Obama Turn Himself In? by Jacob G. Hornberger February 6, 2008 In a Washington Times article on the drug war today, Steve Chapman points out that Barack Obama was for decriminalization of marijuana before he was against it. According to Chapman, who cites a Washington Times story on the matter, in his 2004 U.S. Senate race Obama came out for decriminalization. Now that he’s running for ...
Businessmen as Enemies of the Market by Jacob G. Hornberger February 5, 2008 One of the most common myths is that businessmen favor free enterprise — that is, enterprise that is free from government interference. Historically businessmen have been among the biggest proponents of government interference in market transactions, especially in order to use government power to gain a privileged position against their competitors. The latest example of ...
Squeezed by the Welfare-Warfare Vise by Jacob G. Hornberger February 4, 2008 In my article “Brace Yourselves,” I pointed out that owing to the refusal of the American people and U.S. officials to slash either welfare-state spending or warfare-state spending, federal spending will continue to soar out of control. That will add to the ever-increasing amount of U.S. government debt. The Federal Reserve in turn will continue printing the money ...
Hornberger’s Blog, February 2008 by Jacob G. Hornberger February 1, 2008 Friday, February 29, 2008 Did the CIA Effect Regime Change in November 1963? by Jacob G. Hornberger In my blog yesterday, I noted that contrary to a popular refrain in the controversy over the John Kennedy assassination, government officials can, indeed, keep secrets. I pointed out that if three district attorneys in Dallas could keep the existence of a vault containing ...
Electing Our Dictator by Jacob G. Hornberger February 1, 2008 The debate between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton over Iraq, along with the positions on Iraq taken by the Republican presidential candidates (except for Ron Paul) reflect what the presidential race is all about. It might not be politic to say so but the fact is that what Americans will be electing in November is ...
An All-Abiding Faith in the Welfare-Warfare State by Jacob G. Hornberger January 31, 2008 Among the more amusing political mantras in the presidential race is that of Mitt Romney. "Washington is broken," he declares, inevitably bringing cheers from Republican audiences. It's as amusing as the popular mantra employed by the Democrats: "Change!" They still just don't get it. It's not "Washington" that is broken. It's the welfare-warfare state that Americans ...
The Moral Degeneracy of Alternative Rationales for Invading Iraq by Jacob G. Hornberger January 30, 2008 One of the most disappointing parts of the Democratically controlled Congress has been its refusal to conduct a formal investigation into whether President Bush, Vice-President Cheney, and other U.S. officials knowingly, deliberately, and intentionally presented false rationales for invading Iraq. Everyone knows that Bush and his associates issued many statements that later turned out to be false regarding Saddam’s WMDs. ...
Free Trade, Sovereignty, and Big Government by Jacob G. Hornberger January 29, 2008 I’m befuddled by those people who are worried about a conspiracy regarding a super-highway between Canada, Mexico, and the United States. It seems that what concerns the super-highway opponents is the possibility that the governments of Canada, the United States, and Mexico will combine into one super-government, such as the European Union, and adopt a unified ...
Are Americans Facing a Perfect Storm? by Jacob G. Hornberger January 28, 2008 President Bush is advising the members of Congress not to load up his “economic-stimulus” package with a bunch of lard and pork. Unfortunately, he didn’t explain why. After all, if $800 in the hands of each taxpayer will “stimulate” the economy, why won’t a bunch of checks in the hands of favorite congressional supporters do ...
The War on Immigrants Is a War on Freedom by Jacob G. Hornberger January 25, 2008 Lost in the furor over the so-called immigration crisis is that the war on immigrants is a direct assault on both free enterprise and freedom of association, freedoms on which our nation was founded. Despite the often-heard canard about immigrants going on welfare, the fact is that most immigrants come to the United States to better their ...