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Hornberger's Blog

Would the Pentagon and CIA Permit Sanders to Be President?

Most people consider Bernie Sanders’ race for the presidency to be an exercise in futility. That’s because, they say, he doesn’t have any realistic chance of defeating Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party’s nomination. But there is another reason why Sanders’ quest for the presidency might be futile. It’s unlikely that the U.S. national-security establishment would ever permit Sanders to ...

Trumbo Draws the Line between Conservatives and Libertarians

The new movie Trumbo provides a perfect way to distinguish conservatives from libertarians. Conservatives believe that Trumbo got everything he deserved and libertarians believe that what was done to him was an absolutely horror. Dalton Trumbo was one of the most successful screenwriters in Hollywood from the 1930s on. Like many leftists of his time, he was attracted to communism, ...

Blame the Refugee Crisis and Terrorism on Empire and Intervention

Whenever statist policies produce crises, libertarians are inevitably asked what the libertarian position is to resolve the crises. Two recent examples involve the refugee crisis in Europe and the terrorist crisis in Paris. “How would you libertarians deal with these two crises?” people ask us. Libertarianism, however, is not a philosophy that purports to fix the problems that arise from ...

Enslaving People to Keep Them Safe from Government-Produced Enemies

Take a look at this excerpt from a New York Times article from a couple of days ago: All over France, from Toulouse in the south to Paris and beyond, the police have been breaking down doors, conducting searches without warrants, aggressively questioning residents, hauling suspects to police stations and putting others under house arrest. The extraordinary steps are now ...