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The Road to the Permanent Warfare State, Part 9

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 |Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 |Part 12 |Part 13 In 1949, Harry Truman and Secretary of State Dean Acheson convinced Congress that the United States should join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Here was a treaty ostensibly designed to counter Soviet aggression. Paul Henri Spaak, premier of Belgium, a founding NATO member, argued, “ new pact is purely defensive; it is directed against no one.” However, this treaty made America a party to almost any dispute in a large part of the industrialized world. It also set the precedent for America to assume the role the British Empire had had in the 19th century. Article 5 of the NATO treaty ended any pretense of continuing the noninterventionist tradition of George Washington. It specified that an ...

Free Enterprise versus Immigration Socialism

Well, the GOP candidates had all the correct libertarian, free-market mantras out last night: pro-free enterprise, pro-capitalism, pro-free market, pro-private property, pro-fundamental rights, pro-Constitution, anti-socialism, and anti-regulation. And then came immigration, and all those mantras went out the window. It was actually amusing, not only because the candidates didn’t seem aware of the contradiction, but also because neither did the mainstream commentators. It’s just one of those fascinating disconnects that people just treat as normal and rational. It’s as if the candidates were saying, “We firmly believe in free enterprise but we don’t believe in enterprise that is free from government control.” Under the freedom mantras that the candidates were espousing, my money belongs to me, not to society and not to the government. I have the fundamental, God-given right to do whatever I want with my money. If I choose to use my money to open a business, that’s my right, just as it’s everyone else’s right to avoid buying things at my ...

Is Ron Paul an Isolationist?

The word isolationist is a pejorative term used to ridicule advocates of U.S. nonintervention in foreign affairs, intimidate their supporters, and stifle debate over U.S. foreign policy. Throughout the twentieth century, opponents of U.S. intervention in foreign wars were smeared as isolationists. Conservative and Republican opponents of Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul, although they may argue and fight among themselves, are all agreed on one thing: Ron Paul is an isolationist and espouses a dangerous foreign policy of isolationism. Actor and conservative activist Chuck Norris insists that “Texas Representative Ron Paul’s bent toward being an isolationist who wants to bring home every one of our 572,000 troops abroad makes the anti-terror, pro-military hairs on the back of my neck stand.” Speaking in South Carolina just before Christmas, Newt Gingrich “sharply criticized Mr. Paul for what he said were his isolationist views on foreign policy.” While stumping in Iowa the week before the Iowa caucuses, Rick Santorum “urged ...

Ron Paul, Foreign Policy, and the Republican Mainstream

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Ron Paul campaign is the standard reaction of his opponents to Paul’s foreign-policy positions. They say that Paul's libertarian foreign-policy views are outside the Republican mainstream. What is the Republican mainstream view on foreign policy? Here are its essential components: 1. Undeclared wars. 2. Wars of aggression — that is, wars in which the ...

Hornberger’s Blog, January 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012 Just Ditch Medicare and Medicaid I just don’t get conservatives. They say they support individual freedom, economic liberty, free markets, limited government, and the Constitution. They also say they oppose socialism, interventionism, collectivism, and paternalism. They point out that such isms just don’t work. Okay, fine. Then why don’t conservatives call for the immediate repeal of Medicare and Medicaid? Why ...