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No More Statism

Not surprisingly, liberals are calling for tax hikes on the rich as their way to pay for the ever-burgeoning costs of the welfare-warfare state. Conservatives pretend to oppose tax hikes. Their preferred method of funding the welfare-warfare state is through the Federal Reserve, whose job is to provide the money and credit needed to fund excess federal spending without the need to raise income taxes. That’s what passes for philosophical debate between liberals and conservatives. The fight isn’t over the legitimacy of the welfare-warfare state way of life. They both agree on that. The fight is over how to fund it (and, of course, which side gets to run it). The controversy perfectly reflects how different we libertarians are from statists. We libertarians don’t argue over whether the welfare-warfare state should be funded by income taxation or inflation. Our position is: Immediately repeal all welfare-state programs (beginning with the crown jewels of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid), repeal all interventionist and regulatory ...

The Absurdity of Trusting Foreign-Policy Makers

The United States is attacking Libya on the basis of vague hopes that peace will triumph after the Allied bombing ceases. There are plenty of reasons to doubt whether a few hundred cruise missiles will beget harmony in the Libyan desert. But one of the biggest mistakes would be to assume that U.S. government policymakers understand what they are doing. The American media have already uncorked “surprises,” such as the facts that the Libyan opposition is more of a ragtag mob than an army and that Qaddafi’s opponents include some organizations officially labeled as terrorists by the U.S. government. One gets the impression that the Obama administration’s masterminds did not notice those details prior to charging into this civil war. The latest follies are part of a long bipartisan tradition. In the decades since John F. Kennedy’s inauguration, foreign-policy makers have become Washington’s leading con men. Even though Whiz Kids and Dream Teams have dragged America into one debacle after another, ...

Freedom Daily – 2010

January 2010 The Libertal Assault on the Poor, Part 2 by Jacob G. Hornberger The Phony Radicalism of Michael Moore by Sheldon Richman The Bush Secrecy Legacy by James Bovard How a Rich and Proud Nation Went Broke by Jim Powell A Lesson in the (Re)distribution of Wealth by Edmund Contoski New Deal Charades by George C. Leef To receive your personal copy of Freedom Daily, subscribe to our print version ($25 per year) or our email version ($15 per year). February 2010 The CIA and the Assassination of John Kennedy, Part 1 by Jacob G. Hornberger The Political Economy of Health Care by Sheldon Richman The Feds Post9/11 Airport-Worker Purge by James Bovard From Safe Republic to Unsafe Empire by Bruce Fein The Rule of Law, Part 1 by Ridgway K. Foley Jr. The Illogic of Gun Controllers by Benedict D. LaRosa Bursting the Myths of the Great Depression by George C. Leef To receive your personal copy of Freedom Daily, subscribe to our print version ...

The Story Behind the Permanent War

Washington Rules: Americas Path to Permanent War by Andrew J. Bacevich (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2010), 286 pages. During the last decade, left-liberals accused the controversial Bush administration of a wickedness, arrogance, and incompetence that supposedly set that presidency apart from others in American history. Bush was an especially bad warmonger who broke with the traditional and venerable principles that had ...