Search Query: Peace

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Don’t Miss This Conference!

I am honored to be returning as a speaker to the second annual Future of Freedom Foundation conference on foreign policy and civil liberties, which takes place June 6 through June 8 at the Hyatt Regency Reston in Reston, Virginia, and, as last year, features a fantastic array of speakers. Last years conference was tied for my favorite libertarian event of all time. This years gathering promises to be just as good, if not better. Libertarians, conservatives, and liberals alike will address empire, surveillance, torture, constitutional civil liberties, and all the other preeminent issues relating to U.S. war policy. The content will be timely but also timeless, as these issues cut right to the heart of what type of society we live in. I can hardly wait to hear another three days worth of stimulating talks on the history, economics, law, philosophy, and politics of American foreign policy and its implications for freedom, prosperity, and international peace. At a time like ...

One-Party System

I can predict the winner of the presidential election even now: the government. In a one-party system, that's how things work. One-party system? Yes. The American political scene makes much more sense if you think of the two parties as two divisions of the same party. Admittedly that is hard to do at first. All American politics is presented as a tooth-and-claw rivalry between Republicans and Democrats. It is certainly true that elections determine who holds office among the parties candidates, and who holds office determines whose cronies get sinecures and contracts. That does give the appearance of real competition. Moreover, the major news media are willing participants in the charade that Republicans and Democrats have substantially different ideas about things. Generally, we are asked to believe that Republicans want less government and more war, while the Democrats want more government and less war. As you may have noticed, that makes no sense. War and government go hand in hand, and both ...

Would-Be Rulers without Clothes

In a presidential debate with Sen. Barack Obama in Texas, Sen. Hillary Clinton scoffed at the idea that buying medical insurance should be voluntary. “It would be as though Social Security were voluntary Medicare, one of the great accomplishments of President Johnson, was voluntary.... We would not have a social compact with Social Security and Medicare if everyone did not have to participate. I want a universal health care plan,” she said. This is what passes for deep political thought these days. Discount the contradictory nonsense about the social compact. A true compact would be voluntary. When are you ever asked to sign it? Look closely at what Clinton is saying. She wants something (“universal health care”), therefore people should be forced to give it to her. (No thought is given to how the free market could accomplish the goal peacefully. Consider how many luxuries even the ...