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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

The Republican Path to the Welfare/Warfare State

Republicans are fond of issuing proposals setting forth things they say they want to do. Back in 1994, when they were trying to take over the House for the first time in 40 years, it was the “Contract with America.” When the Democrats controlled the House in 2010, the Republican minority on the House Budget Committee introduced their alternative to the Democrats’ fiscal year 2010 budget called “The Path to American Prosperity.” Just before the 2010 congressional elections, House Republicans released their “Pledge to America.” Now, to introduce their fiscal year 2013 budget, House Republicans have issued “The Path to Prosperity: A Blueprint for American Renewal.” But we have been down this Republican path before. This blueprint, although it claims to be “committed to the timeless principles enshrined in the U.S. Constitution — liberty, limited government, and equality under the rule of law” — is just a Republican path to the welfare/warfare ...

Egypt and the Perversion of American Values

The current controversy over U.S. foreign aid to Egypt highlights perfectly the moral bankruptcy of U.S. foreign policy and what such a policy has done to our nation. For the past three decades, the U.S. government has been funneling billions of dollars to the military dictatorship in Egypt. Notice the operative word in that sentence: dictatorship. Why is that word important? Because dictatorship equals tyranny. There is simply no way around it. A dictatorship is a tyrannical regime, one that oppresses its own citizenry, oftentimes brutally. The fact that this particular dictatorship is a military dictatorship makes the situation even worse. Military dictatorships are renowned for their brutality, tyranny, and oppression, always under the guise of maintaining “order and stability” within the nation. Some thirty years ago, the military dictatorship in Egypt declared a state of emergency, owing to the terrorist assassination of Egypt’s president. As with all such emergencies, it was supposed to be temporary. As part of the emergency, the military dictatorship assumed ...

The “Taliban Five” and the Forgotten Afghan Prisoners in Guantánamo

In the last three months, much discussion has focused on the possibility that, as part of negotiations aimed at securing peace in Afghanistan, the United States would release five high-level Taliban prisoners in Guantánamo. Almost entirely forgotten are 12 other Afghan prisoners at Guantánamo who are mostly so insignificant that they have no one to lobby for them and are being rather disgracefully overlooked. The first information about discussions regarding the release of prisoners emerged in a Reuters article on December 19 last year that explained how secret negotiations between the U.S. government and the Taliban had begun ten months earlier. As part of the “accelerating, high-stakes diplomacy,” Reuters explained, the United States was “considering the transfer of an unspecified number of Taliban prisoners from the Guantánamo Bay military prison into Afghan government custody.” The day after, at a UN Security Council debate on Afghanistan, the Afghan deputy foreign minister, Jawed Ludin, “stressed the government’s determination to pursue reconciliation ...