Search Query: jfk assassination

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You searched for "jfk assassination" and here's what we found ...

Yay! Biden Lengthens Our Leashes on Cuba

Out of the goodness of his heart, President Biden has just lengthened our leashes when it comes to Cuba. Isn’t that just so nice? Isn’t it great to live under a nice, benevolent democratically elected dictator rather than a cruel and brutal one? Biden is issuing executive decrees permitting more U.S. flights into Cuba, removing caps on  money Americans can send to Cubans, and restoring travel by educational groups. Whoop de doo! Let’s all go out and celebrate Biden’s kindness and generosity. After all, rightwing President Trump certainly wasn’t that nice when it came to Cuba! Let’s get something clear: Freedom is the natural, God-given right to travel wherever you want, trade with whomever you want, and spend your money any way you want. Freedom is not a longer leash. That’s one thing we Americans must always keep in mind, first and foremost: The U.S. embargo on Cuba has always constituted a destruction of our own rights ...

Confronting Evil at Home

Amazon Review Excerpts: An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story Purchase today at Amazon: $9.85 Kindle version. $14.95 print version. “This is one of the two best books I have read on the Kennedy assassination, the other being JFK and the Unspeakable.”—Five-star rating. “This book will go down as one of the best in my collection.”—Five-star rating. “Hornberger takes a fascinating look at a mysterious secret buried within the Zapruder family for half a century.”—Five-star rating. “This is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand how our government really operates.”—Five-star rating. “Reads like a good mystery novel — sadly it’s not fiction — it’s a history book.”—Five-star rating. “Again and again Hornberger resurrects the dark history of regime change engineered by the National Security State.”—Five-star rating. “You need to read his book, and read it with the life of David in mind.”—Five-star rating. “Jacob Hornberger ...

What We Need is a New Direction for America

If John Kennedy were president today, there never would have been a Russian invasion of Ukraine. That’s because of two things: (1) Kennedy’s unique ability to step into the shoes of an adversary in an attempt to resolve a disagreement; and (2) Kennedy’s willingness to stand up against the Pentagon and the CIA and their fierce anti-Russia animus and ferocious anti-communist crusade. As longtime readers of FFF know, for the past several years I have focused much of my attention on the Kennedy administration and the Kennedy assassination. This is best reflected by my new book An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story,  FFF’s other books relating to the assassination, including The Kennedy Autopsy and The Kennedy Autopsy 2 (both by me) and JFK’s War with the National-Security Establishment: Why Kennedy Was Assassinated (by Douglas P. Horne), and FFF conferences relating to the JFK administration and ...