Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

More Reflections on the JFK Assassination

Despite the mounds of evidence indicating that President John F. Kennedy was the victim of an elaborate conspiracy organized by elements of the national-security state, there are many who still believe the Lee Harvey Oswald “lone-nut” explanation proffered by the Warren Commission. A partial explanation for this could be ignorance. Many are simply not aware of the difficulties in the Warren Commission Report. Sure, they may be generally aware of the controversy surrounding it, but they are unfamiliar with the particulars and have neither the time nor the inclination to look further into the matter. So they accept the regime’s explanation of the assassination, no matter how questionable it is, and move on. But I believe there is another explanation: denial. Many Americans cling to an idealized view of their country. Although they are aware that coups and assassinations frequently occur abroad, they tell themselves that such things cannot happen at home. After all, America is an open society governed by ...

Kill Anything That Moves

If you were looking at a thousand men walking around on a football field, dressed very much alike, jeans and T-shirts with no markings, could you tell the Democrats from the Republicans, or the registered independents from the ones simply not registered to vote? Not likely. Neither could the smartest people in the Pentagon from the early 1960s through 1975 tell the communist North Vietnam army regulars from their Viet Cong brethren or from the people who sided with the Saigon government or from those who just wanted to live their lives in peace. Worst of all was Robert McNamara, secretary of Defense during the early years of the Vietnam War, 1961–1969, under John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, because his mindset arguably still prevails in military planning to this day. McNamara fully expected that people fighting in their own country for the right to choose their own form of government would, at some point, in the face of America’s incredibly powerful and diverse ...

A Profound Book on the Pentagon and Foreign Policy

I just finished reading one of the best books on the Pentagon and U.S. foreign policy that I have ever read. The title of the book is House of War: The Pentagon and the Disastrous Rise of American Power by James Carroll, the longtime columnist at the Boston Globe. The book was published in 2007 but I didn’t discover it until just recently. The book is a deeply profound and moving account of the disastrous role that the Pentagon has played in American life. That, of course, would come as a shocking notion to most Americans, who have been inculcated with the belief that the Pentagon and its vast military establishment are essential to the security of the nation and the freedom of the American people. Actually, as Carroll carefully documents in this 600-page book, it’s the exact opposite. The book begins with the ground-breaking for the Pentagon, which took place in 1941, even before Japan had attacked at Pearl Harbor. ...

Right-to-Work Laws and the Modern Classical-Liberal Tradition

It’s not widely known, but an earlier generation of libertarians condemned so-called right-to-work laws as anti-market. For example, Milton Friedman, in Capitalism and Freedom, compared right-to-work to anti-discrimination laws. Ayn Rand also opposed right-to-work laws. The Spring 1966 issue of the libertarian student-run journal New Individualist Review carried Prof. Hirschel Kasper’s article “What’s Wrong with Right-to-Work Laws.” NIR was ...

The Democratic Way of Killing: The President as Judge, Jury, and Executioner

One wonders whether Americans felt pride when they discovered that, according to the New York Times, their president was “a student of writings on war by Augustine and Thomas Aquinas.” As a result, Barack Oba-ma believes that “he should take moral responsibility” for U.S. policy, including killing anyone and everyone seen as a terrorist threat to the United States. ...