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Hornberger’s Blog, September 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008 Restore a Free Market to America by Jacob G. Hornberger The congressional rejection of President Bush’s bailout bill came as a shocker to me. As I was writing my blog yesterday about how one can always count on conservatives to cave in and abandon any semblance of a commitment to free-market principles, they went and surprised me by voting against Bush’s financial socialism. Sure, it might have had something to do with the countless telephone calls and emails they were receiving from angry and outraged citizens, but still — let’s give credit where credit is due — they stood up against Bush’s fear-mongering and his attempt to assist his Wall Street cronies before he leaves office. Let’s clarify exactly what is going on here, especially since Bush is unlikely to give up on trying to get his friends off the ...

Hornberger’s Blog, September 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008 Restore a Free Market to America by Jacob G. Hornberger The congressional rejection of President Bush’s bailout bill came as a shocker to me. As I was writing my blog yesterday about how one can always count on conservatives to cave in and abandon any semblance of a commitment to free-market principles, they went and surprised me by voting against Bush’s financial socialism. Sure, it might have had something to do with the countless telephone calls and emails they were receiving from angry and outraged citizens, but still — let’s give credit where credit is due — they stood up against Bush’s fear-mongering and his attempt to assist his Wall Street cronies before he leaves office. Let’s clarify exactly what is going on here, especially since Bush is unlikely to give up on trying to get his friends off the ...

Hornberger’s Blog, October 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008 Drug-War Violence Is Spreading to Texas by Jacob G. Hornberger According to the Associated Press, South Texans might soon be experiencing the same type of drug-war violence that people on the Mexican side of the border have been experiencing. As most everyone knows, the drug war has produced unbelievable violence in Mexico, especially along the border. Murder, kidnapping, beheading, and torture have become routine. Friends in my hometown of Laredo, Texas, tell me that they don’t dare cross the border into Nuevo Laredo anymore, for fear of being kidnapped or killed or caught in the crossfire of drug gangs fighting for turf. The Associated Press is reporting that the Mexican drug gangs are stockpiling weapons and recruiting gang members in preparation for violent confrontations with law enforcement on the South Texas side of the border. The equipment includes assault rifles, ...