Search Query: HAYEK

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You searched for "HAYEK" and here's what we found ...

Government Caused the Meltdown

Meltdown: A Free-Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked, and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse by Thomas E. Woods (Regnery, 2009); 194 pages. Thomas Woodss Meltdown is a truly radical book. That is to say, it probes to the root of Americas persistent boom-and-bust economic cycles. Not only has the most recent episode, beginning in 2007 with the rapid collapse of inflated housing prices, brought about widespread economic pain as unemployment rises, foreclosures increase, and bankruptcies mount, but it has also brought us to the brink of a sea change in the United States. For decades, the United States has been sliding into the quicksand pit of federal domination of the economy (and also most other facets of life). Now the politicians responsible for the current economic debacle ...

Lies and Leviathan

Big government requires big lies and not just on wars but across the board. The more powerful government becomes, the more abuses it commits and the more lies it must tell. Interventions beget debacles that require cover-ups and denials. The more the government screws up, the more evidence the government is obliged to bury or deny. The government becomes addicted to the growth of its own revenue and power and this growth cannot be maintained without denying or hiding the adverse effects of government power. Likewise, rulers become addicted to prestige and adulation and these often cannot survive honest accounts of their actions. Lies have propelled Leviathans growth. Social Security is the single largest government aid program and the big lie of domestic politics. From the start, the Roosevelt ...

Democracy, But Not Necessarily Freedom

Democracy is breaking out all over. Or thats the impression we get from the daily news. Maybe its true. Elections have been held in Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and the Palestinian territories. Theres talk (just talk) of a real presidential election in autocratic Egypt. Whos next? One need not sanction the imperial Bush Doctrine to take inspiration from two salient features of these developments. First, the people participating in those elections apparently believe that they should have some say in who governs them. That is surely preferable to their believing its none of their business. Second, many of them were willing to risk their lives to have that say. Those of us who never face the sort of physical danger that occurs daily in the Middle East can only watch in admiration. And yet, it would be wrong to mistake the sprouting of democratic procedures with liberalism, the philosophy ...

Whats Missing From This Picture?

Writing in the Los Angeles Times last year, Ellen Ruppel Shell, author of The Hungry Gene, said, Obesity is the consequence of environment acting on genetic inclination, and that genetic predisposition combined with an increasingly obesegenic environment underlies the current pandemic. Whats missing from this picture? Human volition, free will. Whats remarkable about Shells statement is how unremarkable ...

Whats Missing From This Picture?

Writing in the Los Angeles Times last year, Ellen Ruppel Shell, author of The Hungry Gene, said, Obesity is the consequence of environment acting on genetic inclination, and that genetic predisposition combined with an increasingly obesegenic environment underlies the current pandemic. Whats missing from this picture? Human volition, free will. Whats remarkable about Shells statement is how unremarkable ...