Search Query: HAYEK

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You searched for "HAYEK" and here's what we found ...

Conservative Reform versus Libertarian Freedom

One of the fundamental differences between conservatives and libertarians is with respect to reforming the welfare-warfare state way of life versus striving for a genuinely free society. Conservatives aim for reform. Libertarians strive for freedom. The way that one can usually tell whether a particular book, article, or speech is conservative or libertarian is by examining its conclusion. If the conclusion says something like, “The system needs reform” or if it calls for a specific reform of the government program it’s complaining about, it is a virtual certainty that the author or speaker is a conservative. If instead the conclusion calls for a repeal, dismantling, or abolition of the program, there is a high likelihood that the author or speaker is a libertarian. The difference between reform and abolition is night and day. By advocating reform, conservatives have made peace with the welfare-warfare state way of life. They have given up any hope ...

No Comprehensive Immigration Plan Will Work

David Brooks of the New York Times has a plan that will finally—finally!!—end America’s decades-long, ongoing, never-ending immigration crisis. Hallelujah! Someone has finally come up with a “comprehensive immigration plan” that will resolve America’s immigration woes. If only Brooks had come up with it sooner. In his Times column last week entitled “Our Disgrace at the Border,” Brooks pointed out the thousands of Latin American refugees stacked up at the Mexico-U.S. border seeking to escape violence in their homelands or simply trying to improve their economic well-being. He then lamented, “And there is no prospect of a plan being put in place from either Republicans or Democrats.” So, Brooks came up with his own immigration plan. Asserting that the “U.S. cannot take in everybody who wants to come,” Brooks says that “the first task is to set priorities.” What are those priorities? The victims of violence and persecution get top priority, then those being systemically denied their basic rights because their ...

The Global Economy Desperately Needs Freedom

How many bureaucrats are there in the world? The global population currently numbers more than 7.5 billion people. Out of that number it is estimated that the global labor force equals almost 3.5 billion, or a half a billion less than half of all the people on the planet. While it varies very greatly from one country to another, a rough estimate of how many government bureaucrats there are is around 15 percent of the global labor force, or around 525 million people, or about 7 percent of everyone living on the planet. Now, 525 million people is almost equal to everyone living in the United States, Germany, France, and Spain combined. This is the number of government employees in some way responsible for, supporting, or connected with setting, overseeing, and enforcing all of those laws, regulations, and redistributive policies determining how the remaining 6.9 billion people on this earth shall live and work. Global Knowledge and the Price System Almost 75 ...

Liberal Capitalism as the Ideology of Freedom and Moderation

Nowadays, many along the political spectrum seem to agree that America increasingly has become a polarized society. Ideological and public policy discourse has been gravitating more toward the extremes: progressives and the Democratic Party with a more explicitly socialist rhetoric and proposed government agenda, and conservatives and Republicans who increasingly appear to be moving in the direction of populist, ...