Search Query: jfk assassination

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You searched for "jfk assassination" and here's what we found ...

Don’t Be Surprised If Saudis Get Away with Murder

While many people are decrying the possibility that the Saudi regime orchestrated and carried out the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, they are limiting their analysis to whether the U.S. government should “punish” Saudi Arabia by cancelling weapons contracts and other related things. Unfortunately, they are not thinking at a higher level, one that would entail recognizing the role that ...

Paul Manafort and LBJ, Influence Peddlers

The mainstream press and the progressive movement are shocked — shocked! — over Paul Manafort’s influence peddling and political corruption schemes. Their reaction to Manafort’s conviction and guilty plea remind me of the scene in the movie Casablanca, where the police chief is “shocked” to learn that there is gambling in Rick’s establishment, followed by someone bringing the police ...