Search Query: HAYEK

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You searched for "HAYEK" and here's what we found ...

Macaulay and My 75-Cent Epiphanies, Part 1

Part 1 | Part 2 Fearing that my writing style was becoming anemic, I recently sought a literary booster shot from my bookshelves. Happily, a dozen volumes of Thomas Macaulay awaited me. Macaulay made history mesmerizing, and I have been captivated by his speed, grace, and wit for 40 years. Nobody would mistake my shelf of Macaulay books for leather-bound collector items. In 1981, I picked up a four-volume set of his essays for 75 cents from a “discard” book sale outside McKeldin Library on the University of Maryland campus. Those volumes were too ratty for a cat to drag into a house. Two of the volumes had cracked spines and were held together with masking tape. Having been raised in the mountains of Virginia, I knew exactly how to upgrade them. I replaced the masking tape with duct tape. Having a “library discard” set zapped any hesitation to annotate the hell out of the crinkly old pages. This was a ...

A Malignant, Dysfunctional Monetary System

When a monetary policy measures its success by how much economic devastation it is producing, that’s a good sign that that is one malignant, dysfunctional system.  But that is precisely what the Federal Reserve is doing with its policy of rapid, dramatic interest-rate increases. It measures the success of its program by how many people and businesses, especially in the housing industry, it is driving into bankruptcy. The more, the better. So long as people and businesses are doing well, the Fed will continue raising interest rates until it can succeed in putting more people and more businesses down. The quirk in the Fed’s policy is that this time around, the Fed’s “tightening" policy is adversely impacting the banking industry. The Federal Reserve consists of bankers. It’s one thing when building contractors go out of business or people default on their home mortgages. No big deal as far as the Fed is concerned. That’s a sign that ...