American Dictatorship and Iraq by Jacob G. Hornberger October 20, 2008 Thousands of Iraqis marched in Baghdad on Saturday to protest the draft agreement between President Bush and the Iraqi government that provides for the continued U.S. occupation of Iraq and the ultimate withdrawal of U.S. forces. The protestors were calling for the Iraqi parliament to reject the proposed agreement, arguing that U.S. forces should ...
Tatum O’Neal: Another Drug War Triumph by Jacob G. Hornberger October 17, 2008 The war on drugs can claim three more major victories. No, I’m not referring to how U.S. officials have busted another drug lord or made another record drug bust. We’re all accustomed to those types of “triumphs” after 35 years of drug warfare. I’m referring to the drug busts of the O’Neal family. The actor ...
Why Not Full Federal Ownership of Everything? by Jacob G. Hornberger October 16, 2008 I’ve got a fantastic idea! It will almost certainly appeal to two large segments of American society — those who thirst for security and those who thirst for political control. My hunch is that both John McCain and Barack Obama and their supporters will immediately embrace my idea as soon as they hear about ...
They Are All Socialists Now by Jacob G. Hornberger October 15, 2008 The Great Immigration Debate between Peter Brimelow and me that was held at the Heartland Institute’s recent anniversary dinner has now been posted on Heartland’s website. It is here. The theme of the debate was: “Immigration Policy for a Free Society: Open Borders vs. Controlled Borders.” The video contains the entire evening’s ...
Interventionism Destroys Freedom by Jacob G. Hornberger October 14, 2008 In his book The Crisis of Interventionism, Ludwig von Mises pointed out that one government intervention will inevitably lead to more interventions. Why? The initial intervention will inevitably produce a crisis that public officials will say needs to be addressed with new interventions. Ultimately, the continuous series of interventions leads to a totally ...
Real Change and Libertarianism by Jacob G. Hornberger October 13, 2008 I find it fascinating that so many people devote so much of their time and energy to getting McCain or Obama elected to office. If there were differences in philosophy between McCain or Obama, it might make some sense. But given that there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between them, I just can’t ...
Isn’t It Time to Listen to Libertarians? by Jacob G. Hornberger October 10, 2008 Amidst massive financial losses being suffered by the American people in the current financial crisis, at least they can take solace in one comforting point — that the U.S. government is rebuilding Iraq. While people are seeing their savings frittered away, having trouble making ends meet, and finding it difficult to pay their children’s education, shouldn’t they at least ...
Tortured by the Federal Savior by Jacob G. Hornberger October 9, 2008 Americans who have suffered harm during the current financial crisis should be counting their lucky stars. At least U.S. officials haven’t taken them into custody as enemy combatants and tortured them, as U.S. officials have done to two American citizens, Yaser Hamdi and Jose Padilla. They, along with a foreigner named Ali al Marri, ...
Pete Boettke Kicks Off Economic Liberty Lecture Series by Jacob G. Hornberger October 8, 2008 The inaugural session of the Economic Liberty Lecture Series, which FFF and the George Mason University Econ Society, a student-run group, hosted was a great success. The event took place on Monday evening and attracted about 70 people, most of whom were students and some of whom were FFF supporters from the area. After a ...
What about Savings? by Jacob G. Hornberger October 7, 2008 One of the things the mainstream pundits have failed to understand in the current financial crisis is the important role that savings play in a society. They keep talking incessantly about the “credit squeeze” but hardly ever mention the “savings squeeze.” One of the keys to rising standards of living is an increase in productive ...
The Heartland Immigration Debate by Jacob G. Hornberger October 6, 2008 Last Thursday I debated Peter Brimelow at the Heartland Institute’s annual dinner in a beautiful ballroom at the Hilton Hotel in Chicago. What a fantastic evening! Since Heartland has been such an enormously positive force for liberty, especially at the state level, it was a tremendous honor for me to be included in its ...
Conservative, Liberal, and Libertarian Calls for Open Borders by Jacob G. Hornberger October 2, 2008 ’m on my way to Chicago to debate Peter Brimelow at the Heartland Institute’s annual dinner. Heartland is one of the nation’s finest free-market think tanks that address state public-policy issues. Peter is the author of Alien Nation. The theme of the debate is “Immigration Policy for a Free Society.” Or “Open Borders vs. ...