Did Russian Officials Sting Evan Gershkovich? by Jacob G. Hornberger April 14, 2023 Ever since the arrest by Russian officials of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich on charges of espionage, U.S. officials have been vehemently denying that he is a spy. But as I wrote in my article "Evan Gershkovich: U.S. Spy or Simply Naive?” those denials mean nothing because U.S. officials would deny it even if he ...
Friendship with Russia Is Verboten by Jacob G. Hornberger April 13, 2023 Two days ago, I posted an article entitled “Time to Revisit the Maria Butina Case,” which showed that when it comes to playing the game of taking “political hostages," the U.S. government is certainly no piker. Pressuring the 30-year-old Butina to plead guilty to a ridiculous federal offense of “conspiring” to act as an agent of ...
Lyndon Johnson’s Role in the Kennedy Assassination by Jacob G. Hornberger April 12, 2023 The New York Times has published an article today entitled “Lyndon Johnson Was No Friend of Martin Luther King Jr.” which describes how Johnson worked closely with former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to destroy King. While there is a common perception today that Hoover was acting alone in his efforts to destroy King, whom Hoover ...
Time to Revisit the Maria Butina Case by Jacob G. Hornberger April 11, 2023 Yesterday, I wrote about the concocted, made-up, fake crime that U.S. officials used to incarcerate Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout for some 14 years of his life, until he secured his freedom from incarceration in the trade with accused drug-law violator Brittney Griner. Unfortunately, however, Bout isn’t the only Russian citizen who U.S. officials have ...
Time to Revisit the Viktor Bout Case by Jacob G. Hornberger April 10, 2023 With Russia’s arrest of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, U.S. officials are accusing Russia of using Americans as “political hostages.” That may well be true, but while the U.S. government acts like an innocent, the fact is that it plays the political-hostage game as well as Russia. In fact, the U.S. government might well be the one ...
Russia Is Not the Russian Government by Jacob G. Hornberger April 7, 2023 In its coverage on the arrest in Russia on espionage charges of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, the Journal published an article entitled, “Evan Gershkovich Loved Russia, the Country That Turned on Him.” The Journal is mistaken. Russia did not turn on Gershkovich. The Russian government turned on Gershkovich. There is a difference, a big ...
The Similarity of Russian and American Torture by Jacob G. Hornberger April 6, 2023 In my blog post yesterday, I pointed out, in the context of Russia’s arrest of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, similarities between Russia’s criminal-justice system and the Pentagon’s criminal-justice system in Cuba. I also pointed out that as the Russian prosecution of Gershkovich unfolds, it will provide valuable lessons for Americans about what the Pentagon ...
Would Gershkovich Have a Better Chance of Acquittal at Gitmo? by Jacob G. Hornberger April 5, 2023 In an article criticizing Russia’s arrest of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich on charges of espionage, the Journal writes that “lawyers with experience in the Russian judicial process predict a journey through a justice system with the familiar features of Western courts but little of their substance.” The Journal, however, forgets something important: The United States has ...
Evan Gershkovich: U.S. Spy or Simply Naive? by Jacob G. Hornberger April 3, 2023 U.S. officials, the Wall Street Journal, and the rest of the mainstream press are up in arms over the arrest by Russian officials of 31-year-old WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich. The Russians are charging Gershkovich with spying, a charge that the Journal and the U.S. government are vehemently denying. U.S. officials and the U.S. mainstream press are saying that ...
Celebrating Deaths by Starvation in North Korea by Jacob G. Hornberger March 31, 2023 Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal reported that “North Koreans are experiencing widespread hunger and dying of starvation as the country suffers one of the worst food crises in decades as a result of its international isolation and natural disasters that have damaged crops, reducing yields.” Undoubtedly, Pentagon and CIA officials pulled out their champagne ...
Should Public Schools Ban “Ruby Bridges”? by Jacob G. Hornberger March 30, 2023 A public school in Florida has banned the showing of a Disney movie entitled Ruby Bridges. The movie depicts the horrific ordeal of a 6-year-old Black girl named Ruby Bridges when she integrated public schools in New Orleans in 1960. The film has long been shown in Florida public schools as a way to teach children about ...
More Deaths from Immigration Socialism by Jacob G. Hornberger March 29, 2023 I grew up on a farm on the Rio Grande outside Laredo, Texas. I lived almost half my life on the border. Ever since I was a kid, I have seen the chaos and crisis that comes with America’s socialist system of immigration controls. I’ve also seen the deaths that come with this dysfunctional system. Deaths from ...