Should the State Ban Cell Phones In Its Public Schools? by Jacob G. Hornberger August 28, 2024 An editorial in the Los Angeles Times endorses the growing trend to ban cell phones in public schools. The editorial points out that school districts all across the country are enacting such bans. The Times writes: The 2024-25 school year may be the tipping point when adults act to curb kids’ phone addiction and regain their ...
What Does “Free Enterprise” Really Mean? by Jacob G. Hornberger August 27, 2024 If a survey were to be conducted asking the American people whether they favor America's system of “free enterprise,” my hunch is that at least 90 percent of them would respond, “Of course. As an American, I strongly support our nation’s system of free enterprise.” But how many people actually ponder the meaning of that term? My hunch ...
Trump Is Lying about Releasing the JFK Records by Jacob G. Hornberger August 26, 2024 To honor Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s endorsement of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (after Kennedy was rebuffed by Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris), Trump announced that if Americans elect him president again, this time around he will order a release of the CIA’s long-secret JFK-assassination-related records. What a crock. What amazes me is that Trumpsters believe anything and ...
Russia Is Not Our Enemy by Jacob G. Hornberger August 23, 2024 Given the ongoing war between the United States and Russia in Ukraine, it’s natural for Americans to conclude that Russia is our enemy. Not so. Our enemy is instead the U.S. national-security establishment — i.e., the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA — the entity that is responsible for the war in Ukraine and that is destroying our ...
Is Kamala Harris “Open Borders”? by Jacob G. Hornberger August 22, 2024 One of the funny aspects of the ongoing, never-ending immigration debate has been watching right-wingers, led by their leader Donald Trump, exclaim against President Biden for implementing a policy of “open borders.” Undoubtedly Trump and his right-wing acolytes are going to say the same thing about Kamala Harris. Why is that funny? Because it demonstrates that Trump and ...
Should the Dollar Be Backed by Gold? by Jacob G. Hornberger August 21, 2024 Amidst all the talk about the Federal Reserve’s high interest-rate policy to combat its many years of monetary expansion and debasement, some people advocate the restoration of the monetary system on which the United States was founded — one in which, they say, the dollar was “backed by gold.” But there is one great big flaw in that ...
No Taxes on Tips or Anything Else by Jacob G. Hornberger August 20, 2024 Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are on the same page when it comes tipping. They both want to abolish taxes on tips. Of course, this should not surprise anyone. This is a presidential election year, when presidential candidates have to please the voters and purchase their votes. What better way to do so in the state ...
Back to the Future with Price Controls by Jacob G. Hornberger August 19, 2024 Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris is demonstrating why monetary debasement has always been a favorite way for government officials to plunder the citizenry. Rather than focusing on the Federal Reserve as the root cause of prices rising across society, she’s blaming rising food prices on grocery-store owners. Consequently, she says that if she is elected president, she’ll get ...
The Crown Jewel of American Socialism by Jacob G. Hornberger August 16, 2024 This week, the Wall Street Journal published some good news for proponents of Social Security, the socialist program that President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed into law in 1935. The Journal reported that the Millennial generation — those whose age range is between 27 and 44 — have experienced a “dramatic turnaround” in finances. The Journal states:
What We Are Aiming For by Jacob G. Hornberger August 15, 2024 Amidst all the hoopla of the presidential race, those of us who want to experience what it’s like to live in a genuinely free society must continue focusing on what needs to be done to fulfill that objective. One thing is certain: whether Americans elect Donald Trump or Kamala Harris won’t matter one whit in terms of achieving ...
Immigration Inanity by Jacob G. Hornberger August 14, 2024 Immigration ranks among the top three domestic issues in the U.S. presidential race. Republicans accuse Democrat presidential candidate Angela Harris of having failed to "secure" the border in her supposed role as Border Czar. Democrats respond by saying that Harris was never appointed Border Czar and that she and her Democrat cohorts are as determined to "secure" the ...
U.S. Hypocrisy on Supposed Iranian Meddling in the U.S. Election by Jacob G. Hornberger August 13, 2024 The FBI is warning Iran not to meddle in the upcoming U.S. presidential election. That’s rich given that it was the U.S. government’s meddling in an Iranian election that is the root cause of the perpetual, ongoing, never-ending animosity between the two regimes today. While U.S. officials and U.S. interventionists love to point to the 1979 Iranian revolution ...