Bush’s Freedom Delusion by Jacob G. Hornberger March 13, 2008 In a further attempt to preserve his legacy, President Bush delivered a rousing speech in Nashville in which he said that he invaded Iraq to bring freedom and democracy to the Iraqi people. According to the New York Times, he told the audience that freedom was a God-given right and “every human being bears the ...
The Patriotic Bust of Spitzer by Jacob G. Hornberger March 12, 2008 American conservatives should be really proud of how the feds caught New York Governor Eliot Spitzer patronizing a prostitute. It all has to do with patriotism, conservative-style. After all, it was the USA Patriot Act itself that put the feds on Spitzer’s trail. The Patriot Act requires American bankers to be federal snitches. Whenever bankers notice ...
Those Dangerous Prostitutes by Jacob G. Hornberger March 11, 2008 If there is another terrorist attack on American soil, it would be natural to ask the same two questions that libertarians asked soon after 9/11: (1) Is the attack another instance of blowback from U.S. foreign policy, for example, from the death and destruction from the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq? (2) Was the failure to prevent 9/11 due to ...
Are Americans Sacrificing Enough Now? by Jacob G. Hornberger March 10, 2008 Throughout the long history of the Iraq War and occupation, the measure of success for many Americans has been the number of U.S. soldiers killed in the conflict. As long as the number of U.S. deaths was kept to a “reasonable” level, Americans would cheer the conflict, but if U.S. casualties were to begin rising ...
U.S. Regime Change in Iran by Jacob G. Hornberger March 7, 2008 Last night I attended a talk by Stephen Kinzer, who is one of the speakers at our upcoming June 6-8 conference “Restoring the Republic 2008: Foreign Policy & Civil Liberties.” The talk was held at the Washington, D.C., campus of the University of California and was part of a 22-city tour by Kinzer entitled “The Folly of Attacking ...
Embargoes Attack Freedom at Home by Jacob G. Hornberger March 6, 2008 President Bush recently took Barack Obama to task for Obama’s willingness to meet with Raul Castro, the newly elected president of Cuba. Bush suggested that it was important for a U.S. president to establish preconditions before engaging in such a meeting. Bush said, “It will send the wrong message…. It will give great status to ...
No Standing to Lecture on Justice by Jacob G. Hornberger March 5, 2008 U.S. officials are hopping mad over the outcome of a criminal prosecution in Iraq. Two Iraqi officials who had been accused of kidnapping and murder walked out of an Iraqi court Monday as free men after the prosecutor moved to drop the case for lack of evidence. The two men were ...
Bringing Iraq and Iran Closer Together by Jacob G. Hornberger March 4, 2008 Amidst all the hoopla over whether the surge in Iraq has been a success, Americans might have missed the latest development in the Iraq mess — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s historic and much-acclaimed visit to Iraq, one in which the presidents of Iraq and Iran even held hands. That’s right — I said, Iraq … and ...
Hillary Should Have Apologized for Waco in Waco by Jacob G. Hornberger March 3, 2008 While making a campaign stop in Waco, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton praised the U.S. military for “defending and protecting our country.” I couldn’t help but wonder whether she was talking about the military’s role in Iraq or Waco. You’ll recall that under her husband’s regime, U.S. officials from the ATF and FBI, supported by the U.S. ...
Hornberger’s Blog, March 2008 by Jacob G. Hornberger March 1, 2008 Monday, March 31, 2008 Attacking Basra on the Way to Iran? by Jacob G. Hornberger As most everyone knows, since last week the Iraqi government, supported by U.S. troops and warplanes, has been engaged in fierce battles for control of Basra. The question, of course, is: Why now, and why is control over Basra so important? We can only hope that the answer ...
Did the CIA Effect Regime Change in November 1963? by Jacob G. Hornberger February 29, 2008 In my blog yesterday, I noted that contrary to a popular refrain in the controversy over the John Kennedy assassination, government officials can, indeed, keep secrets. I pointed out that if three district attorneys in Dallas could keep the existence of a vault containing a trove of information in the Kennedy investigation secret for ...
Keeping Secrets in the Kennedy Assassination by Jacob G. Hornberger February 28, 2008 The Dallas County district attorney, Craig Watkins, recently held a press conference in which he announced a big surprise about the John Kennedy assassination. Watkins disclosed the existence of a secret vault in his office that contained documents and other items relating to the Kennedy assassination. The materials had been compiled by Henry Wade, ...