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Hornberger's Blog

Torture and Kangaroo Justice Are Un-American

Justice Scalia’s remarks about torture reflect a fundamental problem with conservative judges. While oftentimes sound on economic liberty, they are absolutely atrocious with respect to civil liberties. Scalia’s approval of torture in certain circumstances ignores an important point that every first-year law student learns in his constitutional law course: that people are presumed innocent until ...

The Moral Degeneracy of Alternative Rationales for Invading Iraq

One of the most disappointing parts of the Democratically controlled Congress has been its refusal to conduct a formal investigation into whether President Bush, Vice-President Cheney, and other U.S. officials knowingly, deliberately, and intentionally presented false rationales for invading Iraq. Everyone knows that Bush and his associates issued many statements that later turned out to be false regarding Saddam’s WMDs. ...