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Hornberger's Blog

Putin’s Regulatory Scheme Looks a Lot Like Ours

Russian President Vladimir Putin is providing the American people, and specifically American businessmen, with a valuable lesson about a government-regulated economy and the benefit that regulation provides to those in power. Keep in mind, first of all, that America’s modern-day regulated economy is no different, in principle, than Russia’s regulated economy. The difference is one of degree. The Russian government ...

What Limited Government?

One of the common misconceptions about the United States is that the federal government is a “limited government,” unlike tyrannical regimes, which are characterized as “omnipotent government” or “unlimited government.” Limited government means that the government’s powers are limited in nature and scope. Omnipotent or unlimited government means that the government can do whatever it wants. Limited government certainly was ...

The Practicality of Libertarianism

People sometimes accuse libertarians of being impractical. That befuddles me because libertarianism is the only practical philosophy there is. Why is that? Because libertarianism works. The only philosophies don’t. Consider immigration. People say: “You libertarians are so impractical with your call for open borders.” Yet, what could be more practical than a policy that brings about peace, prosperity, and harmony? Look at ...