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Hornberger's Blog

On Naming Names in My Oliver Stone Article

An interesting discussion broke out yesterday on Facebook over my article “Conservative Hypocrisy on Oliver Stone.” One of the discussants asked why I hadn’t identified the people I was critiquing. Ordinarily, when dealing with conservatives, I have no reservations in identifying the people I am critiquing. For example, as the Guardian reported, the conservative Wall Street Journal published ...

Why Did Our Ancestors Approve the Constitution?

Suppose our American ancestors in 1787 had been told that the proposed Constitution, which they were being asked to approve, was going to bring into existence a federal government that would have the following powers: The power to tax people’s incomes in any amount government officials deemed appropriate. The power to regulate people’s economic activities. The power to incarcerate and fine people ...

Are Embargo Supporters and the Castro Brothers on the Same Statist Page?

Fifteen years ago, I visited Cuba with the permission of both the U.S. government and the Cuban government. In the course of interviewing academic and educational organizations at the University of Havana, I was extremely surprised to discover a group of libertarians there. I also asked them the following question: If the U.S. government were to unilaterally lift its ...

The Disastrous Marriage of Public Schooling and the National-Security State

Among the biggest disasters in U.S history has been the adoption of public (i.e., government) schooling and the national-security state and the subsequent marriage of these two governmental apparatuses. Public schooling has inculcated a mindset of conformity, regimentation, and deference to authority within the American people. That was its purpose. That’s why governments throughout the world, including those in communist ...