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Hornberger's Blog

Why Won’t Conservatives Pick a Peach?

The favorite slogan of conservatives has long been “free enterprise, private property, and limited government.” Another conservative favorite is the term “personal responsibility.” Since personal responsibility is so important to conservatives, one must ask: Why hasn’t even one conservative taken personal responsibility by traveling to the Midwest and helping farmers pick their crops, given that conservatives are responsible for the ...

Anti-Conspiracy Theorists in the JFK Assassination

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Kennedy assassination has been “anti-conspiracy theorists,” especially within the mainstream press. People are so scared of being labeled a “conspiracy theorist” that they will do everything they can to avoid making a careful examination of the circumstantial evidence pointing toward a national-security regime-change operation in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Consider, for ...

Advancing Liberty by Adhering to Principle

The following is a shortened, non-verbatim version of a talk I recently delivered to the Tidewater, Virginia, Libertarian Party: The great German thinker Johann Goethe lived during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Goethe stated: “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Although those words were expressed back then, they perfectly capture the plight ...

The Security Clearance Racket

According to the Washington Post, almost 250 former members of the U.S. national-security establishment have come out on side of former CIA Director John Brennan in his war against President Trump. The issue? Brennan has severely criticized Trump for his desire to establish friendly relations with Russia. In response, Trump has cancelled Brennan’s “security clearance,” which has caused Brennan’s cohorts in ...