Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Prepare Yourself for Blowback from Yemen

If there is another terrorist attack on U.S. soil, this time because of the death and destruction that the U.S. government is wreaking in Yemen, I can already hear the laments and complaints of statist-Americans: “Oh my gosh, another terrorist attack against us! Why do the terrorists and the Muslims hate us for our freedom and values? Why can’t they see that we’re good people who just want to live our lives in peace? We must now give more power and more money to the Pentagon, CIA, and NSA so that they can keep us safe from those who hate us because we’re good.” In other words, the last thing they’re going to acknowledge is that the Tomahawk missiles that the U.S. military fired against radar sites in Yemen yesterday, killing whoever happened to be manning those radar sites, will have had anything to do with retaliatory terrorism against the United States. Once again, this time in Yemen, the Pentagon is ...

Hacking the Hackers

U.S. officials are hacked off. They’re saying that the Russians (read: communists) hacked into the Democratic Party’s computers. Never mind U.S. officials haven’t shown any evidence to support their allegation. Like other matters relating to the national-security establishment since its inception in the late 1940s, we’re supposed to just trust them. Defer to authority. They know what’s best. They have access to information that we don’t have. Don’t ask questions. Don’t doubt. They’re the ones charged with protecting "national security." And they would never lie to us, right? Even worse, they say, the Russians (i.e., the communists) are trying to influence our presidential election. Horrors! I guess that means that they might secretly tell Americans who to vote for and that poor innocent, public-school-minded American citizens might fall for the secret propaganda and vote for the wrong person — i.e., a Manchurian candidate who might, after his election, open the gates and let the Russian or communist hordes come into ...

All the Ways You Can Comply and Still Die During An Encounter with Police

“Police are specialists in violence. They are armed, trained, and authorized to use force. With varying degrees of subtlety, this colors their every action. Like the possibility of arrest, the threat of violence is implicit in every police encounter. Violence, as well as the law, is what they represent.”—Author Kristian Williams How do you protect yourself from flying fists, choking hands, disabling electrified darts and killing bullets? How do you defend yourself against individuals who have been indoctrinated into believing that they are superior to you, that their word is law, and that they have the power to take your life? Most of all, how can you maintain the illusion of freedom when daily, Americans are being shot, stripped, searched, choked, beaten and tasered by police for little more than daring to frown, smile, question, challenge an order or just exist? The short answer: you can’t. Now for the long answer, which is far more complicated but still leaves us feeling hopeless, ...

The Assassinations of John Kennedy and Orlando Letelier

This week the Washington Post carried a fascinating front-page article entitled “This Is Not an Accident. This Was a Bomb” about the assassination of Orlando Letelier, the former official in the Allende administration who, along with his 25-year-old assistant Ronni Moffitt, was murdered on the streets of Washington, D.C., in 1976. The article includes several interesting photographs, including of ...

An Exceptional and Indispensable Nation

Hillary Clinton’s recent speech to the American Legion confirms the following: If you have liked the last 16 years of Bush-Obama, you’re going to love the next four years under a Clinton presidency. Her definition of “exceptionalism,” “indispensability,” and “leadership” means four more years of welfare, the drug war, bureaucracy, rules and regulations, invasions, occupations, regime-change operations, coups, support ...