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Why Regime Change Became Necessary in November 1963

Practically from the start of his administration, President Trump was suspected of serving as an agent of the Russian government. The U.S. national-security branch of the federal government — specifically the Pentagon, the CIA, and the FBI — were convinced that Trump had been compromised. An enormous investigation was launched into Trump’s relationship with the Russians. For the first two years of his term in office, the liberal establishment, the mainstream press, and the deep state had no doubts that Special Counsel Robert Mueller would end up finding a mountain of irrefutable evidence showing the Trump had become an agent of the Russian government. At that point, the plan was to impeach Trump for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” convict him, and remove him from office. When Mueller’s efforts failed to find that Trump had become a Russian agent, there were only two viable ways to remove him from office. One way was through ...

The Pentagon and CIA Might Decide Who Is President

WIth President Trump’s ouster of several key Pentagon and Homeland Security officials, including Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, and replacing them with people who are loyal to him, an increasing number of mainstream types are expressing concern about the possibility of a Trump coup, one in which he refuses to relinquish the presidency to Joe Biden. Mind you, I’m not talking about your standard conspiracy theorist here. I’m talking about standard mainstream journalists who are expressing concern over this possibility. Margaret Sullivan, for example, the media columnist at the Washington Post, writes, “How do you cover something that, at worst, lays the groundwork for a coup attempt and, at best, represents a brazen lie that could be deeply damaging to American democracy?” Erica De Bruin, an assistant professor of government at Hamilton College, has ...

President Trump, Release the JFK Files

With President Trump’s critics decrying his lack of respect for America’s democratic system by his refusal to concede to Joe Biden, now would be a good time to remind such critics of one dark-side aspect of America’s much-vaunted democratic system—the national-security’s state’s violent regime-change operation in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Oh, yes, I know the standard response of the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA and its ardent supporters in the Washington, D.C., establishment and the mainstream press. They immediately cry “Conspiracy theory!” whenever anyone points to that particular regime-change operation. Mind you, they don’t cry “Conspiracy theory!” when one brings up other anti-democratic regime-change operations on both sides of the Kennedy one — Iran 1953, Guatemala 1954, Congo 1961, and Chile 1973. It’s only with the Kennedy regime-change operation that they cry “Conspiracy theory!” From the beginning, the official story has been that a lone-nut communist ex-U.S. Marine, with no apparent ...

Trump, Kennedy, and the Russia Collusion Delusion

President Trump’s commutation of Roger Stone’s jail sentence has brought the Russia collusion delusion back into the limelight. Special prosecutor (and former FBI Director) Robert Mueller, the lawyer in charge of conducting an in-depth investigation into whether Trump colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 presidential election, immediately fired a salvo against Trump’s commutation ...