Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

The Meaning of Open Borders

Guests on conservative Fox News are going nuts over what they are calling President Biden’s “open borders” policy. One recent example was Stephen Miller, a former Trump advisor, who appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show, where he lamented Biden’s supposed “open-border policies.” Another was Louisiana Senator John Kennedy, who appeared on Fox and Friends, where he complained that Biden is an advocate of “open borders.”  Needless to say, the hosts of these Fox shows displayed no pushback on these remarkable claims. In fact, quite the opposite. As conservatives, they sympathized with the views of their guests. One of the commentators on Fox and Friends even lamented that Biden isn’t continuing the construction of the Trump Wall along the border. Meanwhile, Noora Barakat, who works at the Vera Institute of Justice, writes, “This week, the Biden administration will officially launch accelerated deportation proceedings for asylum-seeking families in 11 cities across the country.” Hmm. Accelerated ...

The Loss of the Libertarian Brand

If a survey were to be taken of non-libertarian Americans asking them what libertarianism stands for, my hunch is that the vast majority of them would say either that they don’t know or that it’s rightwing or conservative.  That’s a shame, especially given that the libertarian movement is at least 75 years old. You would think that after 75 years, people would have a good understanding of what libertarianism is all about. They might not agree with its principles but at least they would know what it stands for.  In fact, if the same question were to be asked of self-labeled libertarians, I believe the answers would be all over the map. That’s because there is no longer a libertarian “brand.” Or to be more precise, whatever “brand” there is consists of a mush of conservative reform-oriented positions that actually violate libertarian principles.   The libertarian brand began with a focus on liberty. The brand ...

The Chimera of Immigration Reform

A commentary in the New York Times today provides a perfect demonstration of the problem facing the American people regarding immigration.  The title of the commentary is “Why Rural America Needs Immigrants” by Ruben Leonard and Matt Russell. Leonard is the author of a book entitled Deep Midwest: Midwestern Explorations. Russell is the owner of a place called Coyote Run Park. Just below the title of the article are posted nine photographs of various “Help Wanted’ signs in diverse businesses in Knoxville, Tennessee. The point of the article is to let people know that there is currently a tremendous demand for labor in rural America. Jobs are going unfulfilled, which is causing problems for businesses that are desperately in need of workers. As the authors put it, “Rural America has a growth problem. Business and industry desperately need workers, but the domestic labor pool is shallow, and the nation’s birthrate is slowing. Their solution? Immigrants. ...

Conservatives and Liberals: Immigration Socialists

Republicans love to accuse Democrats of favoring open borders. That’s partly because Democrats favor granting “amnesty” to immigrants who have been here illegally for a long period of time.  Legalizing illegal immigrants, however, is a far cry from open borders. Open borders entails a complete dismantling of American’s immigration-control system, including an abolition of the Border Patrol. ...