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U.S. Hypocrisy on Due Process with Duterte

The U.S. government is upset over Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte’s efforts to win the war on drugs. U.S. officials are criticizing Duterte for killing suspected drug-law violators without providing them due process of law. Ever since he was elected president of the country, Duterte has unleashed a state-sponsored reign of terror that includes extra-judicial executions of people suspected of violating the government’s drug laws. It would be difficult to find a better example of hypocrisy than that. After all, what Duterte is doing to win the war on drugs is no different from what the U.S. government is doing to win its war on terrorism. Due process of law is a term that originated with Magna Carta in the year 1215. Through the centuries, the doctrine developed and evolved in the law as one of the principal bulwarks against the tyranny of the British government against its own citizens. The American people ultimately demanded that due process of law be incorporated ...

The U.S. National-Security State’s Murder of Victor Jara

Prescript: (1) George Leef has a great article on gun control and the Second Amendment, which cites my recent blog post How They Could Confiscate Your AR-15. His article, which is entitled “Law Professor Demands Repeal of ‘Outdated’ Second Amendment, Makes Very Weak Case,” is really worth reading. (2) At, in an interesting blog post entitled “Hollywoodism,” Charles Burris links to my Future of Freedom journal article “Dalton Trumbo and the Hollywood Blacklist.” ***************** A Florida jury has just awarded $28 million to Joan Jara, the widow of the popular Chilean folk singer Victor Jara, who was murdered during the Chilean military coup in 1973, which brought military strongman Augusto Pinochet to power. Jara is known as the Bob Dylan of his time and inspired such singers as Bruce Springstein, the Clash, and U2. The defendant in the Florida civil suit is Pedro Pablo Barrientos Nunez, who the jury found was responsible for the brutal torture and ...

Good for Sanders! And Shame on Him!

At a town hall forum in South Carolina a couple of days ago, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was asked by CNN whether he stood by recently surfaced comments he made about the CIA back in 1974, which I wrote about in my blog post yesterday. Back then, Sanders pointed out that the CIA was a dangerous institution that “had to go,” especially since it was accountable only to “right wing lunatics who use it to prop up fascist dictatorships.” Unfortunately, Sanders took it back, partly. He responded that he doesn’t believe that the CIA should be abolished because “it plays a role” but at least he went on to point out a couple of the horrific regime-change operations that the CIA orchestrated. The two that Sanders mentioned were Iran and Chile. Consider Iran. All the current U.S. problems with Iran are rooted in the CIA’s destruction of Iran’s democratic political system in 1953. As Sanders pointed out in ...

Would the Pentagon and CIA Permit Sanders to Be President?

Most people consider Bernie Sanders’ race for the presidency to be an exercise in futility. That’s because, they say, he doesn’t have any realistic chance of defeating Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party’s nomination. But there is another reason why Sanders’ quest for the presidency might be futile. It’s unlikely that the U.S. national-security establishment would ever permit Sanders to ...

Trumbo Draws the Line between Conservatives and Libertarians

The new movie Trumbo provides a perfect way to distinguish conservatives from libertarians. Conservatives believe that Trumbo got everything he deserved and libertarians believe that what was done to him was an absolutely horror. Dalton Trumbo was one of the most successful screenwriters in Hollywood from the 1930s on. Like many leftists of his time, he was attracted to communism, ...