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The Official Enemies Racket

An essential element in any national-security state is the need to keep the citizenry afraid. If people aren’t afraid, they won’t be so eager and willing to continue flooding large amounts of taxpayer largess into the coffers of the national-security establishment. Therefore, central to any national-security state is the need for official enemies, rivals, and opponents. Fear was used to justify the conversion of the U.S. government from a limited-government republic to a national-security state after World War II. At that time, the official enemy was “godless communism” and the Soviet Union, principally Russia. (Yes, the same Russia that is an official enemy today.) U.S. officials scared the American people to death with the notion that the Reds were coming to get them, take over America, and teach communism to their children in communist-controlled public schools.  Never mind that the Soviets had been America’s World War II partner and ally. And never mind that the Soviets had ...

Where is JFK When You Need Him?

President Kennedy had a unique way of viewing his communist adversaries during the Cold War. He would put himself in their shoes and try to figure out what was motivating them to take the actions they were taking. He would then attempt to fashion a solution to a particular crisis that satisfied the other side’s concerns.  America’s Cold War generals lacked the mental capacity to think at that level. Their mindsets were always in terms of black and white: Communists are bad and cannot be trusted. There can never be negotiation with communists. Kill all communists.  A good example of this dichotomy occurred during the Cuban Missile Crisis, which brought the United States and the Soviet Union to within an inch of all-out nuclear war.  When Pentagon and CIA officials discovered that the Soviets were installing nuclear missiles in Cuba, their position was that Kennedy needed to ...

Max Boot’s Rant Against Oliver Stone

Max Boot, a conservative who has long favored regime-change operations on the part of the U.S. national-security establishment, is going after Hollywood producer and director Oliver Stone. His beef with Stone? He’s upset because Stone has long maintained that the U.S. national-security establishment employed one of its patented regime-change operations here at home, against President John F. Kennedy.  The title of Boot’s piece, which was published in the Washington Post, is "Oliver Stone Just Can’t Stop Spreading Lies About JFK’s Assassination.” In his article, he attacks Stone not only for his 1991 movie JFK but also for Stone’s latest update to the movie, JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass. Interestingly, Boot makes a reference to Stone’s accusation “that Kennedy’s autopsy reports were falsified.” Actually, the more accurate way to put it is that the U.S. national-security establishment conducted a fraudulent autopsy. That fraud was reflected in both the autopsy photographs as well as ...

A Great Opportunity to Restore the Republic

With the debacle in Afghanistan, the American people have been presented with one of the greatest opportunities in our lifetime — an opportunity to dismantle the national-security establishment and restore our founding system of a limited-government republic. Opportunities like this do not often present themselves. Now is time to seize the day, before the national-security establishment is able to ...

Why the Mainstream Media Remains Silent on the JFK Records Deadline

With the October 26 deadline only two weeks away for releasing the 60-year secret records of the CIA relating to the Kennedy assassination, the silence from the mainstream press is deafening. The great mainstream defenders of transparency and openness in government, at least when it comes foreign dictatorships, cannot bring themselves to openly advocate for the release of ...